Chapter 27

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Colby was sat on the sofa with the rest of the group, waiting for Charley to come round. They were having a pizza night and Charley wanted to invite jasmine, the friend she made at the last party. He hadn't met her yet, and he was kinda excited. She talked about her alot so he felt very intrigued about her.

Charley had only just left, and he already missed her. Sam was trying to order the pizza, but no one could decide where they wanted to go.
"Oh my god guyssss, hurry uppp"
"Girl, just get like Dominos" Tara replied, getting bored of this conversation. It had been going on for a while. In the end they just ordered a domino's, like Tara suggested, multiple times. She made this known to them all, making everyone laugh.


Charley was sat outside jasmines apartment, she sent her a text and was waiting for her to come outside. She sat, scrolling on instagram until she looked up and seen the girl walking towards her car, with a small smile on her face. She waved to Charley as she made her way over.

The girl's gorgeous ginger waves bounced as she walked and the white top she wore highlighted the many freckles dotted on her face.  (If you wanna see my inspo for jasmine ive updated the character chapter so go check that out!!)
"Hey girl." Jasmine said, "thanks for inviting me. I finally get to meet the rest of your little group" they both laughed at the last bit.
"Aw it was no Problem, I wanted you to meet them so I thought this was a perfect chance." Charley smiled.
"I'm kinda scared" jasmine laughed, she didn't want to be intrusive but she liked the girls.
"Honestly, they are all so nice and they will love you" Charley reassured her.

As they drove back, they listened to music and talked about random things. Charley loved having another girl in the group. Soon, the two girls pulled up outside the house. They walked towards the front door, and Charley gently knocked. After a second of waiting, Kat opened the door, with a huge smile on her face. She hugged them both and lead them inside.
"Heyyyyy" Charley said as she entered the room. Jasmine followed behind her, waving awkwardly at everyone, "this is Jasmine"

Colby smiled when Charley walked in, he was about to get up to greet her until his eyes met the girl behind Charley. His smile dropped, his breath caught in his throat and he panicked. They made eye contact and Jasmine immediately turned away. She felt a massive pit in her stomach. She hoped, and prayed that he was not the boy that Charley had told her about, but that hope soon vanished. Charley walked over, completely oblivious to her surroundings and gave Colby a small peck on the lips.

"Its nice to meet you. Pizza will be here in a few minutes, do you guys want a drink?" Sam said, greeting Jasmine. She smiled at him and nodded her head, her and Charley followed him into the kitchen. As Sam poured them a drink, Jasmine pulled out her phone. She immediately began to aggressively type.

Oh hey haven't spoken in awhile just to let you know your new gf and the girl you ranted to me about and oh YK left me for is my new best friend.
Just thought I'd let you know


R u gonna tell her?
Or am I?

Do not tell her
She'll be angry at me and you and herself
What she doesn't know can't hurt her
Or make her hurt herself


Colby lay in bed, a bed that wasn't his. With a girl he didn't even know properly. She spoke to him about random things but he didn't listen, his mind kept going back to Charley. How good he felt being that close to her. How good the kiss would of felt, if it actually happened.

He didn't know why he was here. He shouldnt be. But he had to get his mind of her. But this was clearly not the way to do it.

"Are you ok?" The girl said, lifting her head up off his chest. She looked concerned, "you seem distracted, your not even listening to me"
"What? I'm fine, I was listening."
"What was I talking about then?" She said in a teasing voice.
"Erm ok maybe i wasn't listening sorry" he responded looking down at her. This made her giggle, and sit up. She looked at him, and smiled, pulling him into a kiss. She took the lead and he felt trapped. The only thing he could think of is how he missed his chance with Charley.

She threw her phone back into her bag and smiled at Sam as he handed her a drink.
"Thank you" she said. The three walked back into the living room, and sat on the sofa. Charley sat by Colby, and pulled Jasmine down next to her. Everyone sat there talking and drinking until eventually the pizza came.

After playing afew drinking games, and eating more pizza, the group all felt tired. The girls giggled to themselves in a group, catching up with drunken gossip while the boys sat in silence listening to the music that played in the background. Colby felt sick as he watched Charley's gorgeous smile light up everytime Jasmine would say something. Would she slip up? He hoped not.


Authors notes:
DRAMAAAAAA!!!!! Whats gonna happennn???? Hope you enjoy this chapter!!! I enjoyed introducing you to Jasmine so I hope you like her!!!
Is it 3:20 am? Yes
Am I tired? Kinda
Should I be asleep? Probably
Do I care? No not really
Love yaaaa

Random question time:
What's your favourite type of chocolate?

Him <3   ~a Colby Brock fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now