chapter three Aradias choice

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As she walked out the door she was greeted by Sollux and Karkat. "Aradiiiia" Sollux said "so have you made up your mind." Karkat said as he looked at Aradia the at Sollux then back at her. "I...I...I chose Sollux." She said. "W..what!!!" Karkat said "please Karkat don't be mad I just love Sollux still" Karkat got pissed off and punched Sollux. "Karkat...please." Aradia said "He killed you!" Karkat screamed " You get A Second Chance An You still Choose Sollux!" Sollux pushed Karkat away from Aradia and he picked her up and started floating Karkat jumped on Sollux as Sollux kicked him in the face.

Karkat x Aradia x solluxWhere stories live. Discover now