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One year later

Blair rummaged through her closet, half of the clothes were laying on the floor or her bed. She was running late for the first day of junior year. Her hair and makeup were already done. The girl then finally decided to wear a white lacy babydoll tee and a dark blue denim mini skirt and white jimmy Choo's.

Her phone was dinging, knowing that it was probably her ride she ignored it. She was on her way outside anyways.

  Blair walked down the staircase and saw her little brother running into the kitchen.

  "Whoa, calm down. Your food isn't going to disappear, Aaron." Blair laughed following after him.

  "It might if Dad eats it all!" The boy argued worried about his breakfast.

  "What?" Their father, Alaric,  asked wide eyed. "When did I ever eat your food?" He asked playfully whilst pouring coffee into his cup. Her father was the CEO of Rosewoods bank. He was always busy with work and was barley home.

  Blair took two to go cups from the kitchen cabinet. She filled them and added creamer to both of them. She added two cubes of sugar in the navy-blue mug and a little bit of honey in the baby pink one, which had tulips engraved on it.

  "Blair, when should I drive you to school?" Her mother, Gabrielle, asked her. Gaby used to be a model, in the 80s and 90s and now has her very own fashion line, Dawson Designs.

  "No need, Noel's waiting outside for me." The girl said as she put the matching lids on the mugs.

  "Your sixteen and still don't have your license." Aaron laughed and pointed his finger  at his sister. Her little brother was seven and frequently got on her nerves.

"I have my permit!" She argued back sticking her tongue out.  The girl then turned to her parents, "Alright I gotta go. Love you." She gave them both a kiss on the cheek. On her way out she passed Aaron and gave him a light hit to the back of his head. She heard him yelling Ow! right before closing the door behind her.

  "Always taking your sweet time in the mornings." Noel Kahn stuck his head out of his car window.

  Blair smirked, "Beauty takes effort, Noel." She then opened the door of the passenger seat. "Coffee?"

  "You know me so well." He said with a smile and took the navy-blue cup out of Blair's hands.

  Noel Kahn looked like he came straight from an Abercrombie magazine. Most boys in Rosewood did.

  The boy started the car and drove them to school. The pair talked on their way. Blair Dawson and Noel Kahn started a fake relationship over the summer. It was a boring summer and both teenagers were stuck in Rosewood, they're parents too occupied with their jobs to actually take a vacation. And the bored pair came up with the idea of a fake relationship. It could stir up some drama, is what Blair told him. In reality she needed a distraction, a distraction from Jason, who even after a year was still constantly on her mind. A distraction from school. A distraction from home. And a distraction from the anniversary of Alisons disappearance.

  She knew that it was childish and stupid, as if a fake relationship could fix all of her problems? But it did help keep her mind off of them.

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒-  𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬Where stories live. Discover now