Chapter Two:Clarissa win

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I was talking to Norrie. "Watch out for Melanie." She warn. "Why?" I asked. "She kissed Joe. I look over to Junior. To see that Melanie is skipping over to Junior. Then she skip over here. "Stay away from Junior." She said. "You see Melanie he my boyfriend and honestly I don't have to." I said. "That not what he said. When we made love." She said. I slap her. Fell down. She kicked me. So I kicked her We are fighting right now. Until my dad,Juila,and Junior. Julia and Dad pulled me off. As did Junior to Melanie. I just ran home I miss my mom. So I'm in my room. Looking at a picture of my mom. A tear came out. Until I heard steps. I was under the covers. It was Sam. "Hey." He said. "Hi." I said. "Everyone is looking for you." He said. I heard another pair of foot steps. I looked at the picture. "Hey Sam did you find her." Junior said. But I turn completely. I am facing the wall. But then my moms sercert place. I packed blankets. Clothes. Threw them out the window. And jump. Land on my feet. Ran to my sercert place. I ran into a cave. I set things up. "Norrie she could be in here." Joe said. "I just miss her." Norrie said. But someone tackle me. So I'm having a hard time. I finally got my hand free. I slap her. But she pulled out a knife. I got her off. She stabbed me in my leg. And left. "Guys." I said. Joe went to get someone. "Norrie we need to get out." I said. She helped me up. I threw my arm Around her. So I can walked. She grabbed my stuff. We walked out a cave. "Joe get the right side." Norrie said. He did. I walked into town. Hold on. I stop. I ripped my shirt. Tied it on my wound. Go. I started to walk. "We found her." She yelled. My dad came. He hugged me. I hiss. He see my leg. "Come on let's get you home." He said. I nodded. So right now I'm in my room. But Junior here. Ever since Melanie said that. I feel insured about me. "I love you an only you." He said. "I love you too." I said. He kiss me. I kiss him back. He deepen the kiss.I pulled away. "Can you do me a favor." I asked. "Yes." He said. "Stay away from Melanie." I said. He nodded. "Honey. Are you ok." He asked. "Fine why." I asked

Clarissa Barbara (A Junior Rennie/Under the domeWhere stories live. Discover now