Chapter 6

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I decided to visit the boss while the resigning in two weeks before I forgot to mention it.

I knocked on the door at his office. His office is nearby the restrooms, so it wasn't so far to arrive.

"Come in," the manager said.

I let myself in and closed the door behind me.

He turned around from his chair and saw me standing by the door.

"Hello, Jacob. Is there anything you want to share with me that made you come in?" he asked.

"Yes. I am thinking about resigning," I told him.

"Why's that? You've been around for a while."

"Yes, I know, sir. Something is telling me I should do this."

He was a middle - aged man. He was light blonde hair and light hazel eyes with glasses.

"Why are you making the choice, Jacob?"

"Because just recently I have been finding something that's just scaring me to death and I can feel it in my bones," I told him.

"What is it that's scaring you?" he asked, taking his glass off to blow them.

"I'm not sure how to describe it. It's just scary."

"Can you tell me the best you can?"

"I can't even describe it to my wife. She asked, and I did the best that I could."

"Tell me what it is, and we'll take care of it."

"How can we take care of it?"

I told him about the vibrating pulse.

"That doesn't make sense to me. When I started this job, I didn't feel anything like that."

"I have."

"Is this why you're resigning?"

"Yes, sir," I repeated.

"All right. I'll go start looking for a new person to take over when you leave."


"Do you plan to find anything else?" he asked.

"Not at the moment, I don't think so. My wife had an accident lately, so I plan to take care of her for the meantime," I told him.

"Sorry to hear about that. I hope she's okay."

"So do I. She is home alone tonight, which I didn't like. I almost called in," I replied.

"That happens, but I am happy you came out here to tell me this. Do you remember where the vibrating pulse was?"

"I can show you later," I said.

"That's all right unless you want to do it now."

"I can do that now," I said.

"Lead the way."

So I did.

"It happened over here," I said, pointing to the doorway where you enter the place.

"Let me hang out here for a while and see if it's going to happen and I can try to get an idea where it came from."

"That's fine. I hope this goes away soon, no matter what," I replied.

"I understand."

We didn't say much after that. All we did was watch people clap, sing and dance to the music. It was also koarke night as well, so that was why there are so many people singing.

We do that once a week.

We were silent for a while, and then I felt the pulse.

"Do you feel it now?" I asked him.

"Not yet."

"I feel it."

So he came closer to me.

"Maybe it could be just our imagination or the air conditioning making it happen. It sounds okay to me."

He didn't bother asking how long I have been feeling it, and I didn't bother telling him.

I hope to try finding a new job once Ashley is healed and back to normal.

I am sure she is all right with the plan since Ashley comes first before hunting for a new job.

I watched my boss left a minute later.

I hoped he got an idea on what is creeping me out these days, but I hope and pray he is right about my imagination and air conditioning that made it happen.

I just hope when I get a new job, it wouldn't be like this one with vibrating pulses, but I can't promise anything.

After I finished my shift at work, I left the nightclub and then headed back home. It was close to ten - thirty when I arrived home. I usually leave after dinnertime, which is six - fifteen. The schedule works out well for both of us.

When I got home, I saw Ashley was right on the couch when I left for work.

"Are you okay, Ash?" I asked after greeting her with a hug and kiss.

"Yes, I'm okay. May stayed for an hour or two. I enjoyed the company."

"She's a good friend, huh?" I asked.

"Yes. How was work tonight?"

"I put in my two weeks' notice and I told the boss about this creepy vibrating pulse."

"What did he say about it?" she asked.

"He thinks it could've been imagination or air conditioning."

"Maybe he could be right," Ashley said, and then yawned.

"Are you ready for bed now? I am," I told her.

"Yes, I'm ready. I hope your manager is right about that pulse you've been telling me about."

"Me too. I hope it has nothing to do with Satan or God. I'm hoping and praying about that."

"I don't think Satan had any plans to let that happen," Ashley told me.

"I hope you're right," I said.

"Have you decided what to do after your two weeks are finished?"

"Take care of you," I answered, "and you need me around."

"I know, but this whole accident is over, and I can take care of myself again."

"I'll help you to bed," I offered.

"That's fine. Sometimes it's hard to walk."

"I've never let that happen to me in the past."

So I was able to help her upstairs, but waited by the bed so I could give her privacy and time she needed and was ready to be in bed and then I could go to sleep myself.

It didn't take her very long to do what she needed, but I offered to help her into our bed.

"Thank you, Jacob. I'm going to sleep now, so I'll see you in the morning."

"Sounds like a good idea. Sleep tight."

After a few minutes, I was under the covers.

I really hope my boss had a good idea about what's been happening lately. Maybe I'll say something about it tomorrow night or something.

Now it was time to sleep.

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