Hot in here

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I opened the door, there was no one home right now since my parents were at work.

"Wait here" I said as I made my way to the bathroom to get some tissues. The guys had already sat down themselves in the kitchen on a few chairs around the table. I went up to them and I swear I saw Gustav Check me out for a second.

"Here" I said and handed Tom the tissues and some soap so he could try to remove the shit that was still on his shirt. Tom began to scrub his shirt.

"you can borrow a shirt from my brother" I said as all of us noticed that Tom didnt really succeed to get away the bird shit.

"Thanks.." he muttered as I made my way up the stairs to get a shirt from my brother. I felt Gustav eyes on me as I walked up the stairs. My brothers name is Zippster and he's 17 and wears baggy clothes. I pulled out a plain baggy shirt that Tom would probably be fine to wear. When I made my way back down all the four guys were in the kitchen talking to each other.

Suddenly it got hot in here, I felt how warm my cheeks had gotten. They were all so fucking sexy, especially Gustav, and Bill even tho he looked like a zesty monkey he somehow was still very handsome and Georg, his hair was so silk and shiny it looked great and then of course Tom. I didn't even realise how majestic they actually were and they were standing in MY kitchen, what the fuck.

"Here" I said and handed him the shirt as he took it off right in front all of us to put on Zippsters shirt that I just gave him. But I didn't even bother to look at Tom, I was way too busy to look at the beautiful blonde man in front of me. A bit silence fell over us as Tom had now put on the other shirt as he looked at us, he seemed to look a bit less annoyed now since he wasn't covered in shit.

"Y'all wanna go to Parre's kiosk? I need to get some stuff" Georg said and broke the silence, Parre's kiosk was the only store we had here in Skokloster. It's originally called Tempo but everyone calls it Parre's kiosk.

"Yes" Every body agreed as we walked out of my house and began walking to Parre's Kiosk. It was not so long from my house the walk was almost around 10 minutes. As we walked it wasn't awkward at all. I mostly talked to Bill since he was really good at making conversations, it felt like we had so much to talk about. Me and Gustav always stole some glances at each other as we kept on walking. Tom and Georg was walking a few steps behind us, they were talking about something they were gonna do later tonight, I only heard a few words and apparently Tom and his girl were gonna meet up with Georg and his friend that was called something like Dexton or something close to that. 

As we finally arrived at Parre's Kiosk we was meet by Majesxcka as she walked out of the door, her eyes widening as she saw us she looked at Gustav a bit to long for my liking. That bitch she thought she could get any man she wants. Majesckha is one of my biggest enemies, she was probably suprised that I was now hanging out with the most dangerous gang of Skokloster and she was definitely jealous. We entered the shop as Tom immediately went to the condom section to by some more since him and his girlfriend are always doing SUS stuff, Bill of course as the zesty monkey he is went to the makeup while Georg looked for some candy, leaving me and Gustav alone.

"'re gonna buy something..?" I asked, hoping that this wouldn't be awkward.

"I didn't plan to" he answered casually as he looked around, his eyes spotted the fruits in here as he looked at them.

"You want some?" He said and held up a pack of bananas, was he seriously asking me if I wanted just normal bananas or if I wanted his banana..?

"Oh...I'm fine" I replied.

"I can buy it for you" he said, looking really serious yet there was a small smirk on his lips which made me realise he might not talk about the fruit banana.

"I do like bananas..." I said, now returning the smirk he was giving me. Just as he was about to answer Georg came up to us.

"We're gonna pay" he said, Tom had already paid for his stuff and so had Bill. As we stood in line Gustav took a big chocolate bar and a bag of chips. Just before he was about to pay I saw him put a pack of condoms inside his pocket, stealing them which made me proud. He paid for the candy as we walked out. When we came out he handed me the candy and I looked at him confused.

"For you" he said and gave them to me, oh my fucking days this majestic man just bought me chocolate and chips? For what reason?

"O-oh thanks Gustav" I said, stuttering on my words, I can't believe he was already buying stuff for me.

"No problem Range" he said and I felt my heart beat faster as I heard the last word leave his mouth, Range. He had a fucking nickname for me. 

"Y'all wanna go to Miras?" Bill said as he looked at us.

"Who is Mira?" I asked out of curiosity.

"My girlfriend" he replied which made me almost choke on air, the zesty monkey had a girlfriend? Maybe he wasn't even zesty at all?

"Sure" I said as we walked.

"Yeah it's gonna be us, Hilma Mira and, Malva Dexter" Tom said, Bill had told me Mira lived very close so we were basically at her house already. We were all teenagers who recently got into puberty and right now we were gonna all hang out. It only meant one thing.


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