𝟑𝟎. ( the 'annual' winter party. )

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ISABEL PARK TIREDLY laid across her bed, cuddled into the stuffed animal she'd won earlier on that day when out with her friends at the arcade, a pout on her lips and her brows furrowed

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ISABEL PARK TIREDLY laid across her bed, cuddled into the stuffed animal she'd won earlier on that day when out with her friends at the arcade, a pout on her lips and her brows furrowed.

The loud beat of the music boomed through the walls of the home, blocking out the sounds that played from the girls tv, causing a groan to escape from her lips.

She was so annoyed — and she was sure she'd never felt this annoyed before.

All she wanted to do was attend her brothers party that was unfolding beneath her. She could hear people's laughter and cheers for someone who'd won the game of beer pong, and the scent of alcohol and smoke managed to seep its way into her bedroom, making her roll her eyes at her obnoxious brother.

It was his annual Winter party (which had only begun last year after he turned sixteen) and Isabel wasn't allowed to join because she was 'too young' and because there was nobody her age there so she wouldn't 'get it.'

Get what? She didn't know. All she knew was that she was mad at her brother. Why should he get to have all of the fun whilst she was locked away upstairs? Why couldn't her parents just of allowed her on their get away trip? Why did she have to be here, in the Park house, missing out on the fun that was going on downstairs?

Her trail of thoughts were cut short by her phone lighting up her entire room, causing her to knit her brows together in confusion and pause the show that was playing on her tv; sitting up to inspect who had notified her.

Jake 😍
You hungry?
Seen at 11:36pm

Instantly, a blush creeped onto her cheeks as a grin grew on her lips, her young heart pounding against her chest as she read the message over and over again.

Even though it was only a two word — plus a punctuation mark — message, it still had Issy in a giggling mess and made her dizzy with excitement, because after all, it showed he was thinking about her, right?

And so, without another thought and with clammy hands, the fifteen year old wrote back to the boy she liked most in the world; her blood nervously pulsing through her body.

just a bit.
Seen 11:41pm

Jake 😍
I'll bring something up
Seen at 11:43pm

Butterflies erupted inside the girls stomach and she quickly hoped out of her bed, scurrying over to her dresser to apply her favorite perfume and a layer of lipgloss to her lips before brushing out her hair and then rushing back over to her bed, sitting up properly and picking up the book that was on her stand, opening it to a random page.

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