Vol. 3 Chp. 4: Class C's Camp

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'Bold': Sign language

At dawn, I didn't sleep in the tent as I managed to get myself a hammock. It was dawn as I climbed down the tree. The night air coming into the tent was a blessing, but as soon as the dawn broke, the temperature slowly rose. Without wanting to wake up anyone else, I sneaked out of the tent as quietly as possible. My classmates, boys, and girls alike, prefer to keep their things, supplies, and bags out of their tents. We did not bring any packages inside because we wanted to do the best out of using the tent.

I ensured no one was around as I went where we found Ibuki. I knew she buried something here when I noticed the dirt underneath her fingernails.

I started digging and found a waterproof bag hidden in the ground. It contained an item: a camera.

So, this is what Ibuki buried.

What's in Ibuki's bag that made the dull noise?

I broke the camera, buried the waterproof bag, and left.

I returned to the campsite, and there was another person awake.

I made my way over to Horikita, tapping her on the shoulder. She jumped in shock and turned around, "Kagurazaka-kun, I didn't realize you were awake."

"Here," she passed me the card.

I swiped the key card to reclaim her spot before returning it to Horikita. I could trust that Horikita is wary of Ibuki.

Horikita was rubbing her arm, looking a bit tense. I placed my forehead against hers as she pushed me away.

'You have a fever.'

Horikita refused to look me in the eye

'You need to go rest.'

"I don't want to be a burden to everyone... I wanted to keep quiet about this," Horikita said.

'You should have told me regardless.'

I patted her head gently as she stayed quiet. After a minute, Horikita said, "Can you do me a favor and don't tell others about my condition?"

'As long as you rest up and not push yourself.'


Hirata came over and talked to me about the situation regarding the points.

"The points that we used yesterday cost us around 70 points. I talked to everyone about the worst possible scenario, to be left with only 150 points. However, we don't know exactly how many points we will have in the end..." Hirata said.

'We should be okay as long nobody guesses our leader.'

"Kagurazaka-kun, do you think it is realistically possible to ascend to Class A?" Hirata asked.

I nodded.

'It will be a struggle.'

"I see. I think it is not simple. For example, even if we all were in unison to aim at Class A, the failure of almost losing our points in the first month in school that we carried on our shoulders is big."

"I think that we do not have to be impatient. First of all, now, Class D has to pass this test."

I nodded in agreement.

"Would you like to go have a face wash with me?" Hirata asked.

We decided to head to a nearby river, so we took our towels from the luggage. The towels were wrapped in vinyl. Hirata used the opportunity to put the manual in his bag, which took us some time. The plastic accessories attached to Hirata's bag made a rubbing sound.

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