16 - Devin

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The heat smacks me in the face as soon as I step out of the plane and onto the tarmac but I'm excited. Last weekend Lando finished fourth in the race and I was starting to think his shoulder was feeling better. Of course, I only had the amount of knots I had to fix in his back and shoulder to go off of. But that was less so I took it as a good sign. 

Blake had invited me to hang out with her this afternoon since Oscar was out spending some time with his parents. So, in hopes of getting over the insane jet lag that came with flying to Australia, I agreed. I taxied from the airport to my hotel first and dropped off my bags. This Hilton had a suite room for Lando again so thankfully I had my own room. Lando slept with the lamp on all weekend in Suadi, probably just to be petty, but I was more than happy to see a door I could close to divide us.

I quickly have a shower, change into something that isn't a McLaren team kit and put on some light makeup. I even left my hair down to flow around my shoulders. Something I haven't done since back in Monaco it seems. When I was finished I grabbed my purse and texted Blake.

I'm ready when you are.

I waited a few minutes and then the three bubbles symbolizing Blake was typing popped up on the screen. Great!, Nicole nicely left me her car to use while she and Oscar are out for lunch so I'll come to pick you up. Are you at the Hilton?

Yeah, sharing a room with Lando again, unfortunately.


Oh shit. Sorry, I assumed Lando told Oscar and then he told you... I'll explain once you get here.

I'm about to drive like my boyfriend. See you in 10.

Blake was here in five minutes and I couldn't help but laugh as I walked up to Oscar's mom's car. "I think you should be racing and not Oscar."

Blake's smile is wide and she laughs. "I think if I was racing Oscar would have a heart attack. He's pretty protective over me."


Blake pulls out of the hotel's parking lot and turns down her music. "So," she laughs. "How did you end up sharing rooms with Lando?"

I groan and lean my head forward onto the dash. Blake and I got closer last weekend at the McLaren team dinner. Being as we were similar in age and the only two women down one side of the table we'd become fast friends. "McLaren hired me a week before Bahrain."

"Okay..." Blake trails off, encouraging me to go on.

"And I guess that means all the hotel rooms were pretty much booked up. So... yeah. I'm stuck with Lando because he usually gets bigger hotel rooms. Driver privileges and all."

Blake breaks out laughing so hard tears roll out the sides of her eyes. "You," she laughs again trying to catch her breath. "I'm sorry you're literally living an enemies-to-lovers book."

I shot them a flat look. "I knew you were a bookworm, but I didn't think you would compare me to an enemies-to-lovers plot."

Blake laughs again, pulling into the small parking lot that belonged to a café. "It's a compliment. Usually, the women in those books are having some insane sex and they end up with the hot guy."

I laugh, "Yeah I wish. Lando and I will probably fail on both of those parts. He hates me."

Blake gets out of the car and I follow her as we walk into the café. "I'm not too sure about that."

"What do you mean?"

She shrugs. "I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm not breaking bro code by telling you. Oscar would be, but I'm not him."

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