Chapter: 26

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I woke up, got ready and went down stairs with my luggage 🧳 and had breakfast. As soon as I was leaving, I saw y/n coming downstairs running.


I woke up early today so that I could see him, but as soon as I went down, I saw him with a suitcase ready to leave for somewhere.

Y/n: where are you going and why do you have a suitcase with yourself.
JK: I have a business and also wanted to talk to you about something important but I can't now Let's talk after I come back.
Y/n: But why are you going so suddenly without even informing me.
JK: You already know what happened with us anyway. Bye. And yeah, all the best for your exams.

He said that and went immediately without letting me say anything.

Days passed

During exams, my focus was on studies, but i couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook, and yeah, I finally started calling him by his name.

Today my exams ended, and me and my friends were at a cafe to have fun. I texted Suho oppa to ask him when Jungkook was going to come, and he replied that he would be home till evening and would have dinner with me. And this would be the best opportunity to apologise to him.

After meeting my friends, we decided to meet at the graduation 🎓 ceremony as it was just two weeks away. And they all went to their house, and I came home too.
I waited for jungkook to come home.


I came home after travelling from Japan, and I can say it's not possible to stay without y/n but at the same time, today I brought her a gift with me.

Y/N: We need to talk .
JK: We need to talk.

We both spoke at the same time, then she said.

Y/N: You say first.
JK: Yeah, let's sit first.
Y/N: Yeah, ok.

We both sat at a certain distance.

JK: Ok, here, take this.
Y/n: what is this??
JK: see it yourself.

I handed her some papers. She looked at me and then looked at the papers. It was divorce papers.

Y/n: What is this??
JK: Its divorce papers ; three months are over, and you are free from me now.
Y/n: Bu..t
JK: There is nothing between us now; you got what you wanted. You wanted me to divorce you and I did Now your wish is fulfilled. You can go back to your house and do whatever you want, wear whatever you want. And yeah, here are the legal papers for your company. You can join it anytime you want My inference will not be anywhere near you except for the company, as i am a shareholder in it. But yeah, you won't see me in your company; all work will be handled by my assistant. Don't worry, you are totally free from me now. I hope you have a better life ahead, Miss Kim Y/n. Now sign it quickly so that we can submit it by tomorrow morning so the process will be over soon.

She looked a me without any emotions and then signed the papers. And then she went upstairs After 15 minutes, she came down with her luggage.

JK: You are going right now, this late.
Y/n: Yeah, bye.

I kept looking at her and she went. I couldn't process things, so soon I went to the backyard and sat there for some time.
After some time, I decided to go back to the room. As I entered, I saw this.

 As I entered, I saw this

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It was fully decorated with a scene on it

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It was fully decorated with a scene on it. I didn't know what to do; there was a pen drive attached to it. So I played the clip.

Y/n: Hey. Don't look at it weirdly. I don't do these stupid things Usually, it's my first time doing this. I really wanted to apologise to you but you went to Japan, and now you have come back so don't use your mindless brain and hear me out. I really didn't mean to say those things to you. I was so angry at that time, so I said whatever came to mind. i am really feeling guilty for saying all those things to you. I am really sorry Please forgive me After dad died, there was no one with me You were also in US. I didn't have the habit of staying alone, and my dad forcefully made me sign the marriage papers by emotionally blackmailing me. I didn't have intentions to hurt you, but it became my habit to behave like that. I hope you forgive me Jungkook, I really want to tell you something really important, but not like this. I want to tell you by myself, not through this video clip. But for that, you need to wait a little.😊😊

She ended the clip with a beautiful smile. I couldn't move from my place.

End of the chapter

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