Chapter 16: Suspicious Things

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Taco POV:

A knock came from the front door, I jogged down the stairs and quickly opened the door.

"Book?! I thought you said you'd be gone for a long time! Why are you suddenly back?"

I looked at the dictionary, it seemed she had no emotion on her face? Weird.

"The research didn't take too long, I wanted t-to.. surprise you!"

She stuttered a little bit, but I didn't notice, I was just happy to see her again. I wrapped my arms around her, she flinched, almost jumping back as if she was avoiding the hug.

"Something wrong?"

I asked, staring into her eyes with worry.

"N-nothing at all! Just h-happy to be here!"

An awkward smile spread across her face, I smiled back at her. I hugged her again, she still slightly flinched. I ignored this and thought Yoyleland might've just raised her awareness or something.

"Come on, we gotta catch up! I'll make us something to drink."
"No thanks, I'm okay."

She said as she entered the house.

"Oh, okay then."

I proceeded to get myself a glass of water while Book sat down on the couch in front of the TV, I joined her on the same couch. I took a sip of the water and then placed it down on the small square table beside the couch.

"I've never actually explored Yoyleland before, I was only there because of the LOL."
"The LOL?"
"The Locker Of Losers, don't you remember?"
"Oh yeah! That's right."

She looked as if a lightbulb had just gone off inside her head.

"Yoyleland is okay, it's big though."
"How big is.. big?"
"Really big, you wouldn't believe it."

As she was talking I noticed she avoided eye contact a lot, her eyes would dart around the room like she was constantly thinking. But i know sure she just has a lot she wants to talk about and is planning it out in her head, something Book would do.

"Where'd you stay? I heard that there's no one living in Yoyleland, they said it's abandoned or something."
"In.. one of the buildings, I dont remember the name of it."

She looked to the side as she thought, staring at the blank wall.

"It's okay, tell me what interesting things did you find? I like hearing things like that."
"Nothing really, it seemed like a.. normal village that was left for some reason."

Silence filled the room, I awkwardly looked at Book but she was staring at the floor.

"Do you want something to eat? I'll make something for you."
"No, I'll make something for us."

She stood up beside me and held my shoulder to stop me, a serious expression was on her face and I felt slightly intimidated. I sat back down and she walked over to the kitchen, the same expression kept.

"What do you want?"

She asked while she was analysing every single thing in the fridge and every cabinet.

"You decide, I'm not fussed. It's you cooking anyway."

She continued to look in the cabinets, opening and closing every door as she peeked inside the wooden box. She continued doing this for a few more seconds until she pulled something out of one of the cabinets.


She pulled out a box with the image of a brownie on the front.

"Sure, if that's what you want then I'm happy with it."

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