Chapter 7

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i walked out the class with mark and it was lunch time. I walked away from them for a second to use the bathroom. when i was walking back, there was this really cute hot girl talking to her friends, and i think about me..

I just walked back to lunch. I sat down with mark, matt, and travis. Once again, i forgot to bring my lunch to school today. mark gave me an apple. It looked like everyone was enjoying their meal too much to give me anything, and i get it. i feel like that too sometimes. i don't really blame them.

"Sorry tom.." Matt says.

"its fine, really." i reply back.

"Here." mark says while giving me the other half of his sandwich.

"I- you sure?" i say. i dont wanna just take it from him.

"Yeah, im full anyways." he says.


I take the sandwich and mark just watches. i can tell hes still hungry, but i dont wanna be rude and deny it. Hes doing it for me anyways.

I finish the half of the sandwich in about 20 seconds.

"Damn, are you hungry." travis says.

"Im not even close to done!" matt says.

"Mark?" i say.

"Yeah..?" he replies with.

"Are you sure you were full? I can kinda hear your stomach rumbling.." i say.

"Its fine." he says.

I put my head on his shoulder.

"Mark, why are you blushing?" matt says.

I start to blush too after matt says that.

Lets just hope this day turns out alright.

--------- (timeskip to next day)

I swear, i do not want to go to school. even though it's the same thing i say everyday, its true.

I meet up with mark, matt and travis at my locker, like always. it'll probably never change.

we head to class. except im with mark. We do boring shit the teachers give us. Each class passes by. lunch is probably the shortest time. but apparently..

im wrong..

now i really hope mark doesn't like me back..

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