2. An Unexpected Encounter

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(Y/N) reclined in the worn captain's chair of the abandoned space station, the faint hum of the station's engines providing a soothing backdrop to the stillness of the empty corridors.

The space station, once a bustling hub of activity, now lay silent and desolate, its walls adorned with faded insignias and remnants of a bygone era. The interior of the space station bore the marks of years of neglect, with dusty control panels and flickering lights casting long shadows across the dimly lit rooms. Yet despite its dilapidated appearance, the station had become (Y/N)'s sanctuary, a hidden haven amidst the chaos of the galaxy, especially with the enemies she had made.The main chamber of the space station served as (Y/N)'s living quarters, with makeshift furnishings scattered haphazardly across the floor. A threadbare rug lay beneath the captain's chair, and a small cot sat tucked into the corner, its blankets rumpled from frequent use. At the center of the room, an antiquated television screen flickered to life with a burst of static, casting a pale glow across the dimly lit chamber. With a grin, (Y/N) reached for the remote and switched on the TV, the screen filling with the familiar image of the Galactic Rangers headquarters. As (Y/N) watched the news report unfold, a laugh bubbled up from deep within her chest. The report detailed the Galactic Rangers' latest struggles—blown up planets, a serial killer on the loose, and the need to recruit a new ranger to bolster their ranks. With a shake of her head, (Y/N) couldn't help but find amusement in the chaos unfolding across the Solana Galaxy. Despite their best efforts, it seemed that even the mighty Galactic Rangers were struggling to maintain order in the face of such overwhelming challenges.

She almost fell off her chair in laughter at the Galactic Rangers' apparent incompetence. How could they overlook such obvious clues? If only they had managed the galactic media better, they might have spotted the incriminating posts from Drek's employees long ago. With a muttered curse, (Y/N) nearly toppled from her chair in her laughter, her fingers opened holographic screen with a press of a button on her wrist. She navigated through the interface with practiced precision, accessing the latest intel on the Galactic Rangers' recruitment efforts. After a few moments of searching, she found what she was looking for—a location and time for their upcoming recruitment event. A smirk tugged at the corners of her lips as she plotted her next move .If the Galactic Rangers were going to recruit a new ranger to help them investigate the series of blown-up planets and apprehend the serial killer threatening the Solana Galaxy, then (Y/N) would ensure that she was there to make them seen as useless in the eyes of the public. It would be nice if she had a hit in the area.

She did.

Just a low level drug dealer that had slept with the wrong persons girl friend, but it would be what she needed.

A kill in broad daylight. Oh how incompetent the galactic rangers would seem.

With a sense of mischief burning bright within her, (Y/N) rose from her chair, her mind already racing with plans and strategies. From her vantage point within the abandoned space station, she would continue to monitor the unfolding events, ready to seize any opportunity that presented itself to further her own agenda.For (Y/N) knew that in the game of galactic politics and intrigue, knowledge was power, and she intended to wield that power to its fullest extent, no matter the cost. With a resolute nod, she set her sights on the Galactic Rangers' recruitment event, her mind already racing with the possibilities of what lay ahead.


As (Y/N) expertly piloted her star fighter space jet through the atmosphere of planet Veldin, the thrusters roared with power, propelling her sleek vessel toward the Kyzil plateau below. The planet's rugged terrain stretched out before her, its rocky surface bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun.With a smooth touchdown, (Y/N) brought her star fighter to a halt, the engines humming softly as they cooled. Stepping out onto the solid ground, she took a moment to survey her surroundings. The air was thick with the scent of flora, and the distant calls of native creatures echoed through the canyon walls.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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