౨ৎ dont come home... ౨ৎ

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You know what.If you wanna go with Chris Keller go.

So i did. Was i being petty? yes. But i was pissed why did he suddenly start to convince me not to follow my dream it's usually the opposite and the way he acted was so off. Like his first instinct was to be jealous  and doubt Chris. I get why I mean Chris was coming on a little strong but still. I had never seen this side of Brady before and honestly not a fan. I appreciate that he was protective but preventing me from good opportunities is a little far.

I was about to get on a bus halfway across the country with some guy i met yesterday. Maybe Brady was right...this  all seems weird. I ignored the guilty feeling in my gut and took a seat next to Chris.

Brady's pov

I felt like a jerk. So i went over to Artemis' house to apologise. Expecting to see her at the door, I was met with Walker instead.

"Hey is Artemis home?"

"No, didn't she tell you? She went on this tour thing with some dude named Cole Kellman or something," He says. My heart drops. She actually did. She went with him. I could feel my heart shatter. I quickly mutter a thanks to Walker before heading off.

A few weeks pass by and i still haven't heard from Artemis. It feels like she's abandoned me. All my calls and texts never returned, i felt like i was being desperate. I was. I don't know what to do without her.

I turn on the tv to clear my mind. That's when an interview of Artemis and Chris came on.

"So are you two a couple?" The interviewer asks.

Artemis shifts uncomfortably in her seat,"Actually um-"

Chris cuts her off,"It's complicated." He puts and arm around her shoulder.

She doesn't say anything keeping her gaze down,staring at the ground.

I feel a tear escape from my eye. She didn't deny it? I shut the tv off, burying my face in my hands.

Was it really over between us?

Artemis' pov

Tonight was the last night of Chris' tour. I look back at all the calls and texts from Brady i had dodged. I stare at them, gnawing at the skin of my bottom lip.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the stage manager called me to go on.

"Hold on, Artemis. We have some great news. After this we want you door your own tour. This could really help your career," I raise my eyebrows, intrigued. But my heart was set.

"No thank you, Harry. But tonight is my last night," He looks stunned.

"But-" I shake my head.

"No im sorry but im going home to my boyfriend. Where i should have gone sooner," I take my guitar and head onto stage without another word.

I perform my last song, laughing as i run backstage. I rush to my dressing room to pack up my things, not being able to wait to go home. The first thing i do is to find Brady and make things right. I was a bitch for leaving like that. After our plans of going to college together and not answering his calls.

I head to the airport and catch thes earliest flight that would leave in around 3 hours time. At the departure gate, I click on Brady's contact, calling him. I wanted to let him know i was coming home and that i wanted to make things right.

After a few rings he answered.

"Bray, I'm sorry. Look I'm coming home right now and i wanna make everything right ok? Please-"

"Don't." My brows furrow in confusion "no,its not ok.Dont come home, Artemis." His voice was raspy like he had been crying. I did that to him? He doesn't want me to come home...?

"Brady, I have to come home," My voice cracks but i still have a smalll smile on my face hoping he was just joking.

"No you don't," My smile falls. "You have to go after your dream; just like I have to go after mine." He pauses. "Coz if we don't, then,... we're just gonna end up regretting it... then we're gonna end up resenting each other."

I blink back the tears that threatened to fall upon hearing his words.

"Bray, I wouldn't-"I say shocked.

"Yeah, but we don't know that." I felt like someone had ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it. I made Brady not trust me anymore. This was all my fault. If i hadn't been so selfish I wouldn't be losing Brady.

"Whatever choice you make today,... is gonna affect the rest of your life." I listen to him ,astounded and hurt."So,...don't come home,Artemis."

"Brady,listen..." I try to get him to stop telling me not to come home to him.

"Cos i don't want you to." My eyes widen in shock. I couldn't believe it. Brady hangs up .I take the phone from my ear and look at it as if hoping that it will give me answers. I gape at it. I place my phone against my chest as i let the tears fall freely.

I just stand there before i finally pick up my guitar case,running my hand through my hair. My flight was called in. I was headed back to New Jersey where the boy I used to be elated to see hates me.

How long can we be a sad song...



this is also and oth scene btw

im so not original 💀💀


you are in love ౨ৎ - brady noonWhere stories live. Discover now