Chapter 2

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   Night has finally arrived, signalling it was time for them to come out of their hiding space, darkness had blanketed the whole place keeping them away from the lurking monsters.
     Funny enough many of these attacks didn't take place in the night,that is to say the monsters don't actually like the dark they prefer operating in broad daylight.
   After the near death experience, everything was quite calm the two siblings were now a bit at peace .
      Ashley slowly came down from the hiding space checking around to confirm if there was any threat ,when she found none she held out her hand for her brother who happily took it , Before jumping down too.
      What's next?,they both don't know but now was surely the best time for them to move away to any safer place they could find or perhaps they could find a place that looks safer.
    They carefully walked out of the cave still checking their surroundings cautiously,they walked hand in hand towards another unknown destination with the moonlight as their sole guardian.
    "So you think we haven't tried to?, it's obviously not working, from what I'm seeing we would have to go there physically and if we still unable to penetrate, then we can rule out another proper plan" said a guy, whose name was Solon.
    These were the people of the Ivory clan,the clan of the people born of special powers,they seem human and could be considered human if it weren't for the energy swirling through their eyeballs in different colors.
   People from the Ivory clan were known as the human protectors,there were 6 main families that ruled the clan each of the families had a son or 2 born with certain special abilities.
      Among all the children of these 6 families were the inseparable six , Heli,jino, solon,shion,noa and Jay.
   They all grew up together even though they had certain age differences,they were almost like blood brothers.
      They have worked together for years and years to protect the human world and each of them were at least above a 100 year old.
      Though physically their age range could be leveled down to 18-22 since they don't age physically,they weren't vampires either,it was just the part of the gene of  people born to the Ivory clan to maintain their youth for a long time.
    Each of these six boys possess special powers, Jay had the ability to control mind and he could teleport.
   Solon could freeze time, Heli could heal any creature as long as they were still breathing ,noa can see and feel energies from miles away ,jino and shion could take on other people's appearance.
   The people of the Ivory clan have gotten a hold of what was happening in the hyacinth city ,the place that had been disrupted by unknown monsters.
    It was suggested that they all get teleported into the city to start helping people but their teleportation skills weren't working, when they tried to.
    The problem seems to have surfaced from the fact that the city was far away from them so they devised a plan to go there in person.
    They immediately started making preparations,and Noa has foreseen the path they would be taking to reach the city.
    It was definitely not going to be easy considering the level of damage reported to have been inflicted on the whole of the city,but that wouldn't stop them from going it is their duty to protect the human world.

    The two siblings were now faraway from the cave ,their initial hideout. They were now more deep into the forest and somehow the forest felt safer.
   It was a bit dark in there but at least they couldn't hear horrible screams and those creepy footsteps.
    Jungwon looked more tired now, seeing how his eyes were looking like they would give in soon,he definitely needed rest.
   Ashley walked further through the forest when she was sure there were no threat around,she cut big leaves and long sticks around her and woved it into a mini bed for her brother to sleep in.
   It wasn't the most comfortable but at least it was way better than sleeping on the hard and dry floor of the forest.
    When she was done making the little bed she signalled Jungwon to sleep on it but he seemed a bit hesitant.
   So she pulled him gently and directed him to the bed made of leaves.
   He still wasn't budging that's when she figured out that he wanted her to hold him close.
    The constant fear of being left alone are the biggest aftermath of the trauma Jungwon had gone through and Ashley has gotten a good understanding of that.
   She smiled gently at him and sat on the bed ,so he would rest his head on her laps.
   A small smile spread on his lips when he saw her sitting on the leafy bed ,he bent down carefully and laid on her legs hugging his knees close to his chest.
   The breeze blew gently in the forest and it was all quiet no strange animal or human sounds, Ashley felt at peace for a while.
    She gently stroked her brother's hair as she watched him try to sleep peacefully.
   At that moment it felt like they weren't amidst a calamity,it felt like a normal day in the park with her brother and their parents, assuming their parents went to get them something and was there with them at that moment.
    It was quiet for a long while, Jungwon has successfully fallen asleep,she let out a sigh of relief at that ,his face was now relaxed no turbulent expression or the constant fear that pooled his eyeballs.
     Ashley genuinely wished the peace on jungwon's face would stay like that forever.
     The forest was dark already,it only got darker and darker with time making her feel safer because for sure the creatures would have stopped lurking around,they would have retired for a while.
     So she allowed herself to close her eyes even if it was just minutes, trying to fight it was definitely not an option because fatigue has seeped through her muscles and it was now looming over her eyes.
     They slept,the two of them slept for the first time in days, they got a bit of rest the one they deserved so much.
     Ashley's back against a small tree, sitting inside a bed made out leaves by her, Jungwon resting his head on her laps and hugging his knees close to his chest, Ashley had a hand on her little brother's head .
    She placed her other hand on his back too as though she was afraid he would be stolen away,that way the both of them drifted away.
    After hours of sleeping, Ashley woke up in cold sweat,she just had an horrible nightmare of her brother getting devoured by a monster right in front of her.
   That image alone washed away any traces of sleepiness in her,when she looked at her legs and saw him still sleeping soundly there ,she let out a sigh if relief.
     She felt so thirsty and tired but she couldn't move anywhere it was too dangerous,and leaving her sleeping brother alone was definitely not part of her plan.
      So she endured for the both of them's sake,her brother's safety matters more than anything right now , her thirst could hold itself until the next day.

    "I feel a strong energy barrier around that city" Noa mentioned as he closed his eyes,he was trying to find clues that could bring them closer to the city faster and what they needed to be prepared for before they even approached the city.
    "What sort of barrier?" Shion asked,his expression morphing into confusion.
   The six of them were in the planning room,the place most of the decisions of the clans were carried out.
    As members of the prestigious 6 families they had easy access to the room ,so there they were planning ways to get to the city as fast as they could.
    "It's like there is something covering the city as whole, it's a strong energy but I can't pinpoint whether it's bad or it's good" he explained,now focusing on the map drawn out on the table.
     "We need to be extra careful, everybody make sure to be with your staff all the time,I know our spiritual powers are strong but anything could happen so make sure to hold your staff with you" Heli announced,he was the eldest among them and he leads the group in a lot of their missions.
    So upon his instructions,each one of them grabbed their staffs in preparation of what's to come.
          Their staff,was a long stick decorated with writings and precious stones from their clan,it held a bit of each of them's power and it works in every situation even if they couldn't use their own powers anymore .

    It was morning now,and the first thing the two woke up to was screams from different directions.
    The monsters were out again,and this time the chance of escaping seems low for them because the screams could be heard very close to them.
   Jungwon started shaking in fear and Ashley immediately put a protective hand around his ears to prevent him from listening to those gut wrenching sounds.
  She guided him up and they try to make their way out of there as careful as possible.
  Now they were a bit far from where they slept overnight,the screams had died down and it seems they were now a bit safe.
   Except they weren't, because when they looked right ahead of them ,there stood a monster staring angrily at the both of them.
    The two started shaking in fear, Ashley's first instinct was to bring Jungwon behind her so he won't have to see the horrible looking creature in front of them.
     They stepped back slowly but the monster started moving closer to them and fear ran through Ashley's body.
    She took a glance at her brother in that moment and he didn't look scared but if you looked long enough you would notice he is minutes away from passing out.
      They couldn't even walk or run faraway before the monster jumped right in front of them few seconds away from picking Ashley up to devour her.
       Jungwon felt horror for the second time in his life ,it was like back then when he was watching his parents get devoured without not being able to do anything to save them.
     He felt weak and terrified so he screamed in his mind while closing his eyes tightly.
   "Any deity out there, anyone out there, protector of the earth and protector of the humans please save my sister".
     The message was received immediately and successfully,as if on cue a figure came descending from the sky landing right in between the monster and Ashley.
     The impact caused the monster to fall metres away from them,the figure was a man,a man in blonde hair.
     His back was facing both of them so they couldn't see his face but at that moment they knew they had a chance of survival.



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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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