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As Above,

So Below

As Within,

So Without

As the Universe,

So the Soul

People do bad things when they are trying to survive.

I understand that. But the others who are affected by those bad things, rarely get the recognition for making it out alive. Although they may not be whole, having lost parts of themselves along the way, they are surviving. The next goal is to not only survive, but live. Live the life that was destined for them before chaos struck.

To run through fields with the sun beaming on their skin, the crisp breeze flowing through them. Nature fueling their energy as they breathe it in, their minds free of all worry.

To sip a hot chocolate after a day out in the cold, curling up by the fireplace in their comfiest clothes.

To spend time with their friends while reliving memories from the best times in their lives, laughing until their faces hurt.

To sit with their family and appreciate every inside joke and warm hug they feel.

To love with their entire heart, and having someone love them in return, glowing with passion and appreciation for everything, no matter how big or small.

To have a home where they are secure, whether it's a house, a restaurant, a school, a field, or someone's arms - they need a home. They deserve a home.

I had a home.

It wasn't anything special, and it was a little broken. There were stories written in the walls that were to not be touched. But it was my home, nonetheless. And I would do anything to be back there at least one more time.

The house was black and white on the outside, but full of colour when I stepped through the door. From the orange accent wall to the left of the entryway, and a hanging flower centrepiece, between two tall bookshelves.

The smell of fresh air was always flowing through the open windows as the green leaves blew in the wind from the tall trees that swayed from side to side. The giant pine tree stood tall in the middle of our backyard beside our swing, and it always smelled like lilacs from the bushes along the fenceline.

The eight steps to the top floor that creaked uniquely with each footstep. The real hardwood floors that matched the beige walls and couches. That one nail that stuck out of the wood and ripped a small hole in every one of the socks that I owned.

My pink walls matched my orange and pink flower duvet and white princess sheets. Stuffed animals sat on my shelves, my bed, my windowsill and my dresser all on display, wearing colourful clothes and smelling of sweet pea cream and perfume. I was obsessed with spraying it all over so my room felt fresh and clean at all times, even when it had clothes on the floor and homework scattered on my desk.

Posters of princesses and music artists along with magazine clippings coated my walls, stuck on with tape or stickers.

I can almost feel the breeze flowing through my window as my sheer curtains blow softly out, the wings of the tiny butterflies attached to the fabric flapping with every movement.

I take in a deep breath, my lungs filling up and a sense of relaxation washes over me.

Until I open my eyes.

I'm rapidly flipped over and an overwhelming choking feeling sends my body into a shock. I begin to cough and sputter out an alarming amount of water, gasping for air in between. My fingers dig into the dirt below me as I'm hunched over the ground, barely able to breathe.

As Above, So Below - D. Malfoy & M. RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now