I - CatNap.?

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(D-Day) "Hey gang! Anyone down for a picnic?"
(Piggy) "Me! Me! Me!"
(Hoppy) "C'mon, Kickin! Let's go! We'll have so much fun together!"
(Bubba) "I've finished my homework, let's roll before it gets too late!"

As the others was busy packing stuff, I nudged CatNap and tried to wake him up

(D-Day) "Now.. CatNap.. you don't want to miss our picnic again.. do you?"
(C-Nap) "Meow.."

He's just tired. I helped him got up and dragged him outside. Our usual spot in the woods is nearby. It won't take long until we get there.
Picky and I set down the blanket, Kickin and Hoppy were playing tag, Crafty just sat there and drew, Bubba and Bobby was having a chat, CatNap jumped onto his favorite tree branch and slept.
We were having fun talking to each other, eating, and playing. Everything was going as planned, until.. I noticed a random fog of darkness in the distant.. it seemed to be getting closer.. and closer.
I got really scared, I warned the others, they seem to notice too. The fog was approaching CatNap..

(D-Day) "CATNAP!"
(C-Nap) "-?!"

There was just enough time for him to open his eyes before getting engulfed by the darkness

(D-Day) "CATNAP!"

We started running. The darkness was quickly flooding the forest. Its speed is insane, it caught up to us rather quickly.
I saw my friends getting absorbed, one by one, the darkness swallowed them all.

(D-Day) "NO!"

That's the last thing I managed to get out of my mouth, before tripping over a twig and falling down. I screamed as the darkness caught up to me.
I blacked out.
Did I die?


September 15
I woke up in fear, gasping for air. I looked around, then myself.
I'm.. alive...
That's the worst nightmare I had yet..
I looked around again. I think I fell asleep..
I was just relaxing on my front porch, enjoying the freshness of the air and the gentle breeze. The grass shuffles ever so slightly under the wind. Everything was calm, so peaceful, so quiet....
I remembered the nightmare....
I miss him..
I remembered like it was yesterday. He was so shy back then. When I first met him, I knew he was the chosen one. We got along really well, did everything together.. and.. and.....
He's.. Gone
Why do I even bother anymore.? It's been a few years since we last seen each other. We made it to Middle School together, I promised him that we would go through High School together. And now here I am, all alone. CatNap just seemed to.. disappeared out of nowhere. I thought it was just him switching schools, that's when our contact was cut off entirely. He didn't see me, neither did I see him.. for years. That's when the Smiling Critters also start to fall apart. First Bobby, then Bubba, quickly followed by Hoppy, Crafty, Kickin and then Picky. My Middle School years without them were just empty.. sometimes I feel like life was.. hollow, so empty, how it is just similar to a void of never-ending sadness and sorrow...My first high school year is about to start. I gripped the Sun pendant that CatNap, Crafty and I made together long ago. I could feel my face getting wet as stream of tears dripped onto the bench. I sobbed, so silently that the wind was even able to muffle it. There was no hope anymore.. the nostalgic feeling is too great.. I can't.. take it all. I just miss him, my kitty, my moon. I should've told him everything while I still can.. but-

(?) "DogDay?"

Who was that.?
That wasn't my mom, or my dad, or anyone either. I live alone, that's all I know. I know I recognized that voice.. I looked up to where the voice came from. I was startled.. The purple cat I knew, the familiar Black Hoodie, the moon pendant around his neck, that cute smile of his.
Am I being delusional?
CatNap, is that you?
My eyes are deceiving me.

Eclipse's Reunion - DogDay x CatNap (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now