Is Jameson Captain America?

121 4 6

Bold, Italic and Underline: Author's  Note
Bold and Italic: Actions and Dialogue in video
Regular: Reactions
Bold Letters: The Watcher

Author's note: I am going to address Steve as Steve in this one instead of Jameson.


I have a feeling this one with answer the one question that is on everyone's mind.

Everyone just paid attention to the screen waiting for what the Watcher is going to show them next and answer they are going to get.


A close up on Steve's eyes as he flickers them open. He sees an old glass light fixture on a white ceiling. He sits up and finds he's on a bed in a quiet 1940s room. The sun shines through white curtains. The Dodgers game plays on an old vacuum tube radio on a wooden dresser. Steve slides his bare feet to the worn, wooden floor.

"Uh this actually happened here. When they found me in the ice. Why is this also happening in that universe too if I am Tony's son?" Steve asked.
"Maybe it's a different scenario?" Clint asked.
"Could be but the room is actually the same." Steve said.
"Maybe we should keep watching and see what you remember is the same or not." Sharon suggested.

Steve nodded but he has a bad feeling about this video.

"Good morning." A woman greeted him as she came in and closed the door behind her.
"Or I should say, afternoon." She smiled.
"Where am I?" Steve asked.
"You are in a recover room in New York City." She told him.

The game in the background continued as Steve listened.

"This isn't right. We went to that game, Steve." Bucky pointed out.

Steve just nodded. This is how he remember happening. What is going on? How is he also Captain America if he was from the future?

"Where am I really?" Steve asked her.
"I'm afraid I don't understand." The woman said.
"The's from May 1941, I know because I was there." He told her. "Now I'm gonna asked you again..." Steve walked up to the woman. "Where am I?" He asked.

The woman pressed a button on a pager unknown by Steve.

"Captain Rogers..." The girl voice trembled.
"Where am I?" He asked raising his voice.

Two male agents came into the room. They were both push through the fake room.

"That was fake?" Pietro asked as some of them all gasped in shock.

Steve ran out of the room and looked around before running.

"Captain Rogers...wait." The fake nurse called after.

Steve is seen running out of the two corridor.

"All agent code 13." The fake nurse said into a walkie talkie.

Steve races into a busy, modern lobby. SHIELD operatives stare.

"I repeat, all agents. Code 13." It said over the intercoms.

Agents ran after Steve. He bowls them over and runs for the door...
Steve burst outside. He takes a few steps...then stops.

Modern cars honks and roar in the street. Towering plasma billboard play moving ads featuring lots of fleshes. Modern people rush past, iPods and cell phones to their ears.
Steve staggers, confused. Multiply cars surround Steve.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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