23.The real attack

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Taehyung's pov

We all are ready

" Boom " a sound was heard probably a bomb ....we all sat down ..... instantly to save ourself from bomb attack ....this way impact gets less to some extent .

But soon after uncovering our ears we didn't saw any dust .I looked towards suga hyung who is behind table in front of me .

" Pobably gate " suga hyung told me using hand sign language .

I nodded .

" I will attack first okay " jk's  voice was heard on ear piece .

Instantly I shook head  as no and gave hand gesture to wait .

" Wait muscle bunny don't be eager ...just climb up and tell us how many are their " voice of devil hyung .

Jk nodded and silently got up.... he took a wine glass coverd it's one side from gun powder and used aluminium foil so that it becomes like mirror rather than  being transparent .

I smiled looking at it " how intelligent my bunny is " thought crossed my mind .

" Earth to V ...no time for dreamland babe " mayank's voice came .I instantly looked towards him hiding behind pillar winking at me and smirking .

I just rolled my eyes .

" They are around six...no seven ...no around 10 " jk's voice came making my eyes again to go to him .Right now he is slowly placing that wine glass out of entrance while hiding behind door so that via reflection he can see enemy .

" It's easy match ...we are 15 can surely kill 10 " Abhisekh's voice came .

" Don't try to understinate them ..they killed 80 percent " a raged voice of jhope hyung was heard and made everyone gulped ..well probably he is angry that someone hacked the hacker himself which was quite funny as we all younger ones teased him saying that someday will hack his laptop as well ...to which he always boasted that it can never ever happen  .

" Kill everyone guys don't show mercy ....do or die " namjoon hyung said and we all nodded .

And soon voice of gun shot and glass shattering was heard .

And it was from the wine glass of jk .
Enemy is shooting .

" Attack " Ronald one of our member said and went out shooting .

All elite member's  came in commotion .

Author's POV

Whole house was filled with sound of gunshots .

" Bang ...Bang....Bang " was only the sound  that could be heard .

Mark hidding behind pillar aimed at a certain boy .

" Bang" and it was head shot .

Mark smiled .." one down " he counted .

Here at the right corner Sunita was having a hand contact with one of the enemy .

"Thad" a punch on sunita's beautiful  face .
It was quite powerful ....but not that much for Sunita ....not just like that she is world renowned combat fighter .

She slightly tilted her shoes and a kick on neck has been placed .

And  the enemy died ..how ...yes it's partially true that it's due to force of kick ...but we can't say that it's 100 percent reason  behind it ....the shoe has special mechanism..if rubbed at 90° it activate the small knife in its heel  and when swung it comes out .

" One more down reamining  13 " she announced on ear piece she was wearing .

And soon someone bounced from above making her laying on ground  due to impact ..she looked up and saw it was jk .

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