Nocturnal Eternity

33 3 5

Book: Nocturnal Eternity

Author:  @EobardTwane-25


The title is acceptable, the book cover represent the story concept, but it is still too simple. However, I liked the blurb. The short interaction among the characters pitched my interest.

The first paragraph was still interesting, but there was an accept of  repetition. In the first paragraph you stated that the character woke up at his doorstep. In the second paragraph you said that after robbing his eyes and rolling over, the character realised he was at hi doorstep. Understand where the editing should be made?

Apart from some punctuation and minimal conjunction errors, I really enjoyed your first chapter. We could fill the confusion of the characters who slept in August and woke up in October alongside their anxiety and their hesitation. I liked the way you described their emotions together with the events that happened. You tried to bring in a bit of mystery and suspense when walker started hearing voices and when him and Luke felt sleepy in the house.

Till chapter five, we don't know what happened to them, how their life changed this drastically and the cliff hanger is still good. Since there is not enough chapters, I don't have much to say, but I liked the plot at the start, however I will advise you to go a little bit faster, if you drag the story too much and don't unravel some things that would make readers hooked, they would just give up.

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