Luring Trap

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"Good morning, pup," Jungkook purred, his voice sending chills down Taehyung's spine

"Did you really think you could hide from me?" Jungkook continued, his eyes crinkling at the corners in amusement.

Taehyung's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe it! How in the world had Jungkook recognized him? He had been wearing that stupid mask the entire time

"H-how?" tae whispered, he felt so small infront on Jungkook

Jungkook chuckled, leaning closer until his lips touched taehyung's earlobe.

"How can I even forget these beautiful pair of eyes ?"

Jungkook said huskily making taehyung's heart skip a beat

"I liked your little stunt you pulled over there, pup," he said, "You're clever, but not clever enough to fool me"

Taehyung gulped, Jungkook's smirk widened as he saw the effect his words had.

"So, what punishment should I give you for trying to fool me, pup?" he teased, tightening his grip around Taehyung's waist,

"Let me go" he whispered looking into jungkook's eyes

"Not yet, pup," Jungkook murmured, his voice low and husky.

"I haven't decided on your punishment yet."

Jungkook slowly trailed his finger on Taehyung's milky neck, Taehyung closed his eyes tightly, trying to ignore this exciting feeling.

"Maybe," Jungkook said in a husky tone

"your punishment could be one kiss or two"

Taehyung widened his eyes as Jungkook kissed him over the mask. Jungkook held him close, his hand brushing across Tae's cheek, Jungkook pulled the mask down revealing Taehyung's pink lips, now slightly swollen and flushed from the kiss.

Jungkook's eyes darkened as he took in the sight. He brushed his thumb slowly across Tae's lower lip with a playful smile

"So, did you like your punishment pup ?"

Taehyung felt his cheeks burning, Jungkook leaned in close, his lips hovering just above Taehyung's. He was about to kiss Tae again but deeper this time

Suddenly, the college bell rang indicating the start of the first class Jungkook groaned feeling annoyed.

Tae, pushed his chest a little harshly running away from there.

The afternoon sun was streaming through the classroom windows, casting warm patches of light on the desks. Lunch break was over, and Taehyung was back in his usual bench and he chatted with Jimin.

Their teacher was nowhere to be seen yet, and the classroom buzzed with the energy of students playing games, sharing stories, and laughing together

Suddenly, the classroom became pindrop silent, All eyes turned towards the doorway as Jungkook walked inside the class.

Girls started blushing as their cheeks flushed pink, they started whispering excitedly amongst themselves, stealing glances at the handsome senior But Jungkook didn't even spare them a glance.

His eyes scanned around the classroom busy searching for taehyung

Tae's eyes widened as he saw Jungkook entering the classroom. He gasped hiding under his desk with a racing heart

"Jimin" whispered looking at taehyung "Tae, what's wrong?"

"Don't look at me!" Tae peeked out nervously, watching as Jungkook scanned the classroom.

The senior's brow furrowed when he didn't see the beauty he was looking for.

Suddenly, Jungkook noticed a pair of sneakers peeking out from under a desk in the back corner of the room.

He walked over to the desk, each step echoing in the tense silence.

A smirk played on his lips, a knowing glint in his eyes that made taehyung panic

Taehyung's heart hammered against his ribs, He squeezed his eyes shut. Jungkook chuckled softly as he leaned against the desk, taehyung opened his eyes hearing jungkook's voice.

"Sorry guys," he said, his voice laced with amusement

"seems like I entered the wrong class"

Jungkook smirked as he walked out of the classroom. Taehyung sighed in relief coming out of his hiding spot.

his heart calming back down to a normal pace, He smiled sitting beside jimin "care to explain why you were hiding ??"

"He was the stranger who kissed me yesterday"

Jimin's eyes widened like saucers.

"What!!!!! It was him ????"

he asked feeling shocked. He couldn't help but glance back at the empty doorway,

Suddenly, a new thought struck Jimin. He looked back at Taehyung,

"Whoa! He is so handsome Maybe you should date him!" he said, nudging Taehyung playfully

"Don't be ridiculous chim"

Taehyung cheeks turned red, He rolled his eyes looking away from jimin.

Suddenly, the classroom door opened again, a girl peeked her head inside the door and said,

"Kim Taehyung! Mrs. Kang called for you in the art room"

"thanks" he mumbled to the girl as he stood up from his chair making his way out of the classroom, He walked down the hallway, going towards the art room

He pushed open the heavy wooden door to the art room, he frowned seeing noone there

Taehyung blinked feeling confused. He was about to turn and go back to class.

But a pair of strong tattooed arms snaked around Taehyung's waist before he could take another step. A warm body pressed against his back,

Taehyung's heart hammered in his chest as a familiar deep voice, right next to his ear.

"Trying to hide from me again, doll?"

Jungkook murmured, his voice so close taehyung could feel the words tickle his earlobe.

"Well, another failed attempt to hide from Jeon Jungkook,"

Before Taehyung reply, Jungkook leaned in closer, he planted a soft kiss on his earlobe.

Jungkook spun Taehyung around, his tattooed fingers finding their way to grip taehyung's curvy waist.

Taehyung gasped when his body got pressed into jungkook's muscular one, he blushed as his soft bossoms got pressed on his hard chest

Jungkook's hold tightened for a brief moment, a flicker of surprise crossing his face, before a sly grin spread across his lips. He held Taehyung close.

Jungkook reached into his pocket, pulling out a pen. He gently took Taehyung's hand in his, his thumb brushing lightly against Taehyung's skin.

Taehyung tried to pull his hand away, but stopped when Jungkook squeezed his waist playfully. he began to write his number on taehyung's palm with the pen.

"Come to Euphoria Resort this evening," Jungkook murmured "And call me on this number once you get there, pup."

Jungkook leaned down and planted a teasing peck on the back of taehyung's hand

Jungkook winked as he walked out of the art room, leaving Taehyung standing there alone. Dazed and confused, Taehyung stared down at the number written on his hand.

He hesitantly lifted his hand, his fingers tracing the numbers Jungkook had written there, He took a deep breath, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm in his chest.

With a deep breath, Taehyung turned and walked out of the art room




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