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chapter fifteen/ psychologist files

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chapter fifteen/ psychologist files

chapter fifteen/ psychologist files

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"stop looking at me like that Ev" Maya sighed, the car ride unusually tense as she drove Evelyn to school

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"stop looking at me like that Ev" Maya sighed, the car ride unusually tense as she drove Evelyn to school. The silence between them was thick as Evelyn sat rigidly in the passenger seat, her gaze moving to the passing scenery outside the window

It was now Monday and everything following her job interview had gone down hill. Fast

Okay, maybe she was being a tad dramatic but the second her foster parents had uttered the word 'therapy' to her she felt like dying. Wishing that they'd be like the others and forget she existed, but no they cared— too much in the blondes opinion

Maya stole a glance at Evelyn out of the corner of her eye, her heart heavy with concern, "sweets" she began tentatively, her voice soft but firm, "I know this isn't easy for you, but Carina and I really believe this will help you"

Evelyn's jaw clenched at her words, her frustration bubbling to the surface. She'd been dreading this conversation since Maya and carina had broached the topic on Saturday night (shed narrowly avoided it, using faith as an excuse), and she couldn't shake the feeling of resentment that gnawed at her insides

"I don't need therapy Maya" she replied her voice tight with emotion as she fiddled with her locket, "Im fine"

The firefighter sighed softly, her grip tightening on the steering wheel as she navigated through the roads. She knew her foster daughter was struggling, she wasn't fine at all, "you need someone to talk to Ev"

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