Trevor & Phoebe Collection ♡

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At The Firehouse, Main Floor,

Trevor was making food in the kitchen, heating up something in the microwave. Phoebe sat at the small kitchen table, watching the tv from a distance and jotting stuff down in her notebook with her pink pen.

"What are you writing over there?" Trevor asked curiously.
"Estimating." She continued to write.
"Estimating? Estimating what? You can't just say 'estimating' without saying what it is you're estimating," he snorted, then he added, "Wow I don't think that's a real word anymore.." He sighed deeply but quietly.
"Theoretical weight." She spoke a little over him, continuing to write.
Trevor scratched his head, "Theoretical weight? That sounds like a fancy way to just say, 'the weight of something I'm making up.' Right?"
"So... the weight of something real?" Trevor gave her an incredulous look, waiting for her to elaborate on what it is she is calculating.
"No." Phoebe did this a lot when she was focused on something. It's like when a mom is texting and leaving you on heard.

"Alright, thennn.."
"If ghosts had mass, I'm estimating how much the containment unit would weigh. theoretically."
"There we go," But then he raised his eyebrow slightly,
"Is there any point in that?" he questioned with confusion.
Trevor chuckled at her answer. "So why are you doing it?"
This is probably the fifth time Trevor's heard this today, "Because it's science."
"Yeah... you're really weird," Trevor said,
"But the weird things you do make life more interesting so keep doing it, I guess."
"Cool." She gave a thumbs up.

At the Firehouse, Garage,

"Where'd that helmet come from?" Trevor asked with amusement, halting his skateboard to avoid hitting into the staircase

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"Where'd that helmet come from?" Trevor asked with amusement, halting his skateboard to avoid hitting into the staircase. Phoebe walked down the stairs wearing a bright Pinkie Pie helmet from My Little Pony, complete with 3D ears and scratchy glitter.

"It's what Podcast gave me," She told him, squeezing past his skateboard. "He has the matching one."

"Nice. Can't have you breaking your skull open." Trevor remarked, although he never wears one himself. He lightly knocked on the helmet as though it was a door, causing Phoebe to squirm away.

"Okay, so. This shouldn't be that hard," Trevor said, picking up his skateboard. He was going to teach her how to skate.

"I'm extremely uncoordinated." Phoebe told him, placing her foot on the board when he positioned it more centrally in the room.

Trevor mirrored her action, habitually placing his foot on the other end as he spoke, "I know, but you're like a pro at roller skating so this shouldn't be any different."
"Ehh.." Phoebe answered, not wanting to argue the differences.

"I'm gonna throw you on-"
"Throw me on??" Phoebe laughed, already over trying this. "No-" Trevor chuckled, "I'm just going to gently place you on it and hold your shoulder so you don't fall. If you hit the ecto-1 and it scratches, mom will kill us all."
"That's what you're worried about?"
"Well you have your magical pony helmet to protect you."
"Alright, fine, but you need to wash your hands thoroughly before you touch me." She said monotone.
"Oh boy this is gonna be fun." Trevor sighed with his hands on his hips.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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