Chapter 10

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~Chapter 10~

Rykerdraft walked back into the base, followed by, a very annoyed, Ultra Magnus. As she did, she immediately noticed the children sleeping on the couches. She looked around and saw all the Autobots around Optimus as he was giving orders as to who was doing what. He then turned towards the Predacon Queen as he heard her come in.

"Rykerdraft." Optimus walks toward her. She nods in hello.

"Greetings Optimus. Ultra Magnus said that you needed me for something." Optimus nodded in confirmation.

"Yes. I asked Ratchet if you were fully healed to join in battle and he said that you could. And it's completely up to you, but can you join one of the missions to help us retrieve Predacon bones from the Decepticons?" Rykerdraft could see the look of desperation in his eyes and voice. She sighed and nodded.

"Very well, Optimus. Who will I be joining?" The Autobot leader looked between the two groups, he noticed that each group had a group of three, and he knew very well that the Wreckers could take very good care of themselves. He then looked at his group and nodded.

"You will join my group." Rykerdraft nodded and walked toward Smokescreen and Bumblebee. They both looked at her with greetings.

~Time Skip~

Optimus' group exited out of their ground bridge, in vehicle mode, while Rykerdraft was still in bot mode, and were on a bridge. They looked at both sides of the bridge and saw an oil pump on one side and a plane field on the other. Optimus turned to the other three.

"I will search this quadrant. Rykerdraft, you, Bumblebee and Smokescreen will search the other, and Rykerdraft, I would recommend not transforming into you're beast form. If you will fight with us in the future, I don't want to Decepticon's to know about you." Rykerdraft nodded in understanding and looked at Smokescreen and Bumblebee, waiting for them to begin moving toward the other quadrant.

Optimus opened his wings on his jet pack and flew into the air. Smokescreen and Bumblebee transformed and drove towards the oil field, since Rykerdraft didn't have a vehicle mode, she ran behind them. Once they got into the oil field, they transformed back into their bi-pedal form and activated their blasters.

"Hey Bee, have you ever thought that you might want to be a Prime?" Bumblebee beeped at Smokescreen in question. Rykerdraft looked toward Smokescreen with a questionable look.

"Not now... Some day?" Bumblebee beeped at him again, answering his question.

"Huh, Warrior. Yeah, you and me both. But I've seen you in action. Optimus knows you can scrap with the best of them. Why won't he just promote you from scout already?" Bumblebee looked at him and beeped again to his question.

"Your choice? Huh, so why wait?" Bumblebee halted from walking and beeped again. Rykerdraft kept her guard up as she looked around. She readied her claws, just in case.

"Guess it would be more meaningful to graduate back home on Cybertron. You're one patient guy. I should take a cue." Rykerdraft then began speaking, but in a quiet, hushed voice.

"Smokescreen, Bumblebee? I'm sensing some Decepticons. I'm not sure where, but they seem close to you." They both quieted down and as if right on cue, they heard drilling sounds coming from their left. They stealthily walked toward the sound and saw three Decepticons. One drilling and the two others standing and watching. Waiting for the Predacon bone to be found. As they stood there, Rykerdraft began feeling like something or someone was watching them. She barley looked over her shoulder and saw a few vehicon's on top of two buildings.

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