Fabula ll

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In the beginning, there was only a void.
No solids or liquids or gases. No time, nor space. Only endless dark. However—it wasn't that way for long. Only a little while.
The void had a name. Her name was Xydias.
At first, she had no thoughts. Not one wish, or desire.
The void had no body, no physical sort of being. She just existed. Only her consciousness, suspended within the blackened home that she'd become very accustomed to. She was not sad about existence, nor was she very thrilled.
But as you and I know; everything changes.
One day, Xydias discovered something new in her lonesome—the ability to feel. She felt bored, having nothing to entertain her. She felt excited, overwhelmed with new feelings. Emotions burst at the seams, happiness, sadness, anger. These feelings tore her apart, shattering the black walls of nothing—her mind—and scattering illuminated pieces among the sky. Potential energy flowed in waves, flooding the newborn universe at intervals that surely would never be seen again. Everything the waves touched became something new. The dark glowed now with speckled stars and galaxies, and the rush of currents carried themselves to the edges of the sky; spreading far and wide, Destroying and creating endlessly, quickly, and mercilessly. Day and night flickered, hot and cold tore through the universe, all new properties and objects fought to be dominant in this new and unfamiliar place. stars cooled quickly, forming rocks. The unbalanced gravity threw all sorts of things around. Some things slammed into each other, others went in one direction and never returned. Colors sank into whatever they could touch, brightening the skies and new seas. Not any two things in the universe ever remained the same, or similar at all for long. The world was plunged into chaos—And it would be many eons before it settled on its own.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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