Ha Gotem

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Picture of Kayjay ⬆

I changed Mika name to kayjay just because I felt like it and tbh I like the name kayjay so yea dats dat ...

I so I bet Yhall wondering about kayjay well I talked to him about the picture.I know what Yhall thinking why you did you do,but I didn't do it so HA GOTEM. You thought but anyways I asked him why he wanted one anyways.He said just because he did and I was like wow okay.One day I was texting him messing with him and I called him small nigga and was like chill out.


Adrian: Lil nigga

Kayjay: no I'm not

Adrian: if it helps you sleep

Kayjay: you say that know but when you see it you gonna want it

Adrian: if you say so Lol

Kayjay: you don't believe me do you want a picture

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