"If you think Rick is the problem, I guess you don't know what I'm fucking capable of you asshole." - Rhea Dixon
"I guess I do have more balls even than you Shane." - Rhea Dixon
"I'm a Dixon. And I've been through a lot more hell than any of you ev...
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"I remember that look in his eyes... Still see it." Lydia's voice had been echoing around the cell, as she talked with Henry. "How cold it is. Was... Why am I even telling you this?" Lydia asked him.
Henry shrugged "Beats the quiet. Beats being alone."
"Never been alone. My people traveled in groups with the dead." Lydia told him matter of fact.
Outside the cell, Daryl and Xander had been sitting against one of windows, listening to the conversation between the two teenagers.
"I miss the sounds, the smell..." Lydia trailed off slightly.
Henry grimace at that "Not gonna lie... Walking around in dead people's skins is pretty messed up."
"Thinking this place isn't gonna fall like every other place... That's messed up." Lydia told him.
"Agree to disagree." Henry nodded.
"Your dad's an asshole like mine. The other guy is an asshole too." Xander scoffed at the young girl's words. "All you did was sneak out." Lydia continued "Is it even that hard? Are there a lot of guards posted here?"
"Daryl's not my dad. And to tell you the truth, I prefer Xander over Rhea every day." Henry told her.
Lydia looked at him in confusion "Rhea?"
"She is the real leader here, she's Daryl's daughter and Xander's wife... but damn she's really scary, you don't want to mess with her." Henry told her "I remember one time, my mom told me how when she first met Rhea, when she was only 16... she envied her."
"Why?" Lydia asked him.
"Because Rhea is not afraid of anything or anyone. She can look the Devil in the eyes and will tell him 'Go fuck yourself'. She is... just that kind of a person." Henry explained to her "And anyway Daryl doesn't even want to be here, even though his familly is. He's only doing it as a favor for my mom."
Lydia stood up and walked closer to the bars. "I thought you said your mom died?" She asked him.
"My second mom, I mean." He pointed out "She's tough, just like Rhea. You don't want to mess with either one of them. Hey, what happened to your dad?"
"My dad was a stupid man." She told him simply "My mom, though, she kept me alive. Kept me safe. She's a lot like your mom and Rhea. You don't mess with her either."
Outside Xander and Daryl both shared a look, as they started to get nervous at the thought that Rhea was out there right now.
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