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Our Heroes were flying through Time and Space

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Our Heroes were flying through Time and Space. They were traveling through the aether and heard voices speaking all around them. The first voice was Samantha.

"When I am will be rewarded beyond your imagination"

Then it was Richtofen.

"My name is Edward Richtofen and I've been trying so hard to do the right thing for a long time"

Then it was Tank Dempsey.

"Field sign of the others. Im Freezing my balls off in this snowstorm! I think I might be the only left!"

The next voice was Takeo Masaki.

"There is great evil in this place...spirits and demons walk this land!"

Last but not least was Nikolai Belinski.

"Your words are empty, your soul is could you ever hope to put things right?!"

The group reappeared within a teleporter chamber exhausted but alive. Sierra clung to Jp hard as she panted. Myka looked through the teleporter window.
"I think we're trapped inside!"
Sierra said.
Jp felt sick to his stomach.
Sierra gave him a look.
"Someone get that door open!"
She told them.
"Hello! Hey we're stuck inside!"
Dee yelled knocking on the door. "My head feels so heavy"
John muttered groaning.
"Where are we?"
"Better question is mein friends is when are we?"
Myka asked as the door came open.
Jp ran out throwing up on the floor as he panted.
Sierra rubbed his back. "Easy Jp...your okay?"
Jp coughed and felt embarrassed.

"This...this is not right. Where are we?"
Dee observed the place but the technology was very advanced.
"When are we?"
Myka asked again.
"Ohh shit"
A voice startled the five.
"Whoa!! Holy shit balls! Jp is that you?"
Dee asked looking at a man who looks exactly like Jp.
"I am not Jp. I am Bell Masaki. Jp is my twin brother the oldest"
Jp tilted his head and instantly remembered. "Ren? Is that you?"
Past Jp asked.
"Yes it is. Your not supposed to be here"
Another man walked up to Jp.
"Your voice...your eyes. Almost as if they are my own"
"They are your own Bralin. You have traveled far into the future"
Future Jp said. Sierra got a good look at him and tilted her head.
Future Jp looked at Sierra and couldn't speak. "Ohh my god it is you"
Sierra said.
"How the hell did we end up in this mess Myka?"
Dee asked.
"The Wunderwaffe must have overloaded the teleporter and sent you way to far into time"
A German voice spoke.
Myka watched his older self appear.
His older self spoke. "Mein gott. I don't think Samantha wanted us to be here"
"Your right i didn't"
A female voice spoke and appeared next to older Myka.
"Is that the same child from hell factory?"
John asked.
Sierra and Myka looked her over and Myka instantly backed away.
"Your all grown up"
"I am"
Sam spoke.
Sierra instantly hugged her as Sam was caught off guard. "I knew there was good in you"
Sierra said as Sam hugged her back.
"Thank you"
Sam said shakily.
" have been brought here not on accident but in our time. I am his twin brother, Bell Masaki, you came from the past, from world war 2"
"I didn't know you had a brother"
Dee said.
"I didn't know if he was alive"
Jp admitted. "Wait if this is the future how are you alive and not old. Matter of fact where am I?"
Sierra asked.
Jp didn't want to relive his past. Not again so he turned away. "We are here"
Future John and Dee walked up to their past counterparts. "So where am I? Someone say something"
Sierra asked.
Older Jp let out a shaking sigh.
"You died my arms years ago. After I couldn't save you and I've never been able to forgive myself for it"
Older Jp said with tears in his eyes.
"No no that's impossible"
Past Jp shook his head in denial.
Sierra walked up to Older Jp as he gave her a picture of him her and their children.
This brought tears to her eyes as she passed it to her Jp.
Jp looked at the photo and saw his future children. His son looked like him as his daughters looked like their mother Sierra.
One tear fell from his eyes as he gave his older self the photo back.
"Where are they? Where are the kids?"
He asked his older self.
Older Jp shook his head slowly and that made Sierra jumped in his arms.
"I don't care what happens. My dream came true!" She shouted as future Jp held her.
"It sure did kitty"
He said as the building shook.
Past Jp got up and held his katana.
"What the hell was that?"
Older Dee asked.
"Damage report?"
"No damage. Something much bigger just entered into our world"
A woman spoke looking right at past older Myka. "Myka?"
She asked.
"Erm that be my younger self"
"I don't believe I know you"
Past myka said.
Rue held up her finger showing him a shiny ring.
Past Myka instantly smiled.
"And What is your name?" He asked bashfully.
"Rue. Rue Perkins"
Rue said blushing back.
"Holy shit! Kraut got married before me. Damn I guess I never found a hula girl"
Dee said with his head down.
"I wouldn't say a hula girl but she's one tough cookie that you don't want to piss off"
Older Dee says as a woman walked up to past Dee. "I'm Rain"
She spoke.
Past Dee smirked and rubbed the back of his head. "Howdy" Dee said working his charm. Past Jp facepalmed. Rain let out a chuckle.
"What happened to your eye?"
"Ohh you know. Grenade to the face. Tanked it and live to tell the tale"
"Funny you never mentioned that before"
Rain looked at older Dee.
Older Dee smirked.
"Correction he was pinned right in front of a flare that a German soldier was trying to push his face into but had it not been for me. Dee would have been dead"
Older Jp said.
"Way to ruin a good story Jp"
Past Dee groaned. "I know this is short notice but we need your help"
Bell told them. "Our help? Can you not see that we need help as well"
John says. Another woman walked up to John and stared him down.
"You help us we help you okay?"
She spoke softly.
"And who are you supposed to be?"
Past John asked the woman. Older John wasn't going to reveal the punchline.
"Your wife and mother to our daughters. My name is Alice"
Alice said staring him down.
Past John looked at his older self.
"You didn't!"
Past John hissed.
"I did. She wouldn't want us to be alone"
Older John said.
"Some things are better left unsaid for a reason! We are destroyers!"
Past John said.
"Believe me John. I am not who you are. For my girls I am better than what we were"
Older John said.

Past Jp stood up by Sierra who wrapped her arms around him.
"I don't care. I still want to be with you"
She told him.
Past Jp held her and brushed her hair.
"And so you will"
Bell said.
Future Jp and Past Jp said at the same time.
"I'm going to change your story. So no one has to relive any event that is here to destroy us now. We will help you. I only ask that you help us"
Our heroes looked at each other and nodded.
Myka told off his hat and smiled.
"And help you we shall"
He said.

"We will deal with our enemies but we detected a massive surge of Element 115. Here near the airfield where all of you have met"
"I wasn't here before"
Sierra said.
"You will be now. Defend yourselves here so we can evacuate the people who live just beyond the airfield. Once Evacuation is complete. We shall pick you up and send you back to your destination"
Older Myka spoke.
"Going back to the airfield. Where all of it began"
Past Dee said.
"Lots of things have changed over the years. This won't be no cake walk. You'll need to be at your best when you get there"
Older Dee said.
"You have weapons and each other. Stick together. I will find a way to make things right for the two of you"
Bell told them.
Past Jp sighed momentarily and nodded.
"Always the quiet one"
Older Jp said.
Past Jp looked at his older self and sighed.
"Returning to an old air field. No telling what we will encounter"
He said.
"You have the weapons and each other. Nothing will happen to you. At the end of this. You will go home"
Bell told the five.
Past Jp and Sierra stood by each other, Bell could feel their hearts torn. He wanted them to be happy. He wanted his brother to be happy.
He would find a way.
"Sam would you do the honors?"
Sam nodded and stretched out her hands as dark Aetherium appeared opening a portal to the airfield.

The five held their weapons and walked right in all together.

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