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Waking up to an unwelcome alarm, Peter grabs his phone and clicks on the notification and listens to the police radio. "Dispatch: all units, level four mobilization. Location- Fisk Tower."
Peter straightens up immediately, much wider awake than before. "Fisk?" He jumps out of bed and starts getting ready for the day, throwing some waffles into the toaster while grabbing his web shooters. Then he sniffs a blue shirt and cringes a little. He ends up putting it on over some simple pants while eating his waffles, and a red mask completes the ensemble.

 He ends up putting it on over some simple pants while eating his waffles, and a red mask completes the ensemble

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Seeing an envelope on the ground, the lenses of his mask focus on it and reveal that it's an overdue bill. His gaze flits between the police report on his phone and the envelope before he jumps out the window and starts swinging for Fisk Tower.

He calls Yuri, who answers. "Captain Watanabe."
"Morning baaaabe."
She groans. "Don't call me babe. It makes me think about how young you might be."
He shrugs mid swing. "Hey, you're the one who said you wanted to brush off your detective skills. You even bet your lighter on it. I love how confident you are. It's hot."
She almost growls on the other line. "I swear, if you've been underage this whole time I'll-"
"Woah, easy Yuri, down girl. I've been perfectly legal the whole time we've been dating. I might be a vigilante but I'm not THAT legally gray. You know, I could drop you a hint~."
"No. Last time you gave me a hint you held it over my head for weeks, and you always did it in that cheesy 80s cop show voice. Besides, I've put together a few dots already. I'll get you eventually, "babe"."

Spider-Cop chuckles a bit. "Alright, alright, enough flirting. You get him yet?"
"Unfortunately, we're still waiting on a warrant."
Spider-Cop gasps. "Does that mean I get to help?"
"Sure, but make sure this goes by the book. I don't want Fisk's lawyers to find any loopholes. Head to Times Square, some of Fisk's men are stalling us while Kingpin probably makes a getaway."
"Yes! You won't regret this Yuri! I love you!"
"Yeah yeah... I love you too."
She hangs up before he can reply, and Spider-Cop fondly shakes his head. "God I love that woman."

As he approaches Times Square, Spider-Cop gets a call from his day job employer, Dr Octavius. "Parker? Where are you? We must run through the demonstration at least once before the grant committee arrives."
"Huh, right, sorry, just dealing with a... legal issue. I'll be there as soon as I can." Hanging up, Spider-Cop groans. "I need to wrap this up fast and get back to my day job. If only I was a real cop. With real money."

Closing in on Times Square, several more police cruisers show up. "Looks like Yuri called in the cavalry." The officers are quickly gunned down by Fisk's guys and their cruisers get rammed by a truck. As the gunmen close in on the officers, Spider-Cop takes away their guns and takes them out with his webs before landing between the cops and remaining goons. "Morning fellas. Who's ready for their fresh hot cup of police brutality?"

Taking out all the gunmen with the police offering a few gunshots from the side, reinforcements show up. "Oh, that's not good." Taking them out with his webs, Spider-Cop can't help but remark. "Why are there always so many of you? How much bribe money does Kingpin have floating around in his junk drawer? Can I have some?"

Finishing them off, Spider-Cop calls Yuri. "Alright cap'n, all finished here. What are you-" there's an explosion coming from Fisk Tower and Spider-Cop's lenses widen in worry. "Yuri." Jumping up, swinging felt simultaneously slower and faster than ever before while he mumbles to himself. "Please don't be dead please don't be dead. I should have known Fisk wouldn't go quietly. If any of his men hurt Yuri... no. It won't come to that. Move it Spider-Cop! I knew I should've laid off the donuts!"

Arriving at the tower, the whole place is in complete chaos with fires, bullets and helicopters. "Come on come on come on, where are you Yuri?" He sees her taking cover behind a vehicle. "Oh thank god." Sticking to the side of the car, he speaks to her. "Yuri, are you ok, I was so worried about-"
She snaps her fingers on his face. "Hey, focus. Stop being a good boyfriend and start being a good cop."
Startled out of his worry, his lenses widen in surprise before narrowing in a way that conveys seriousness and he nods. "Got it. What are your orders Captain?"

"If Fisk gets away, we'll never catch him again. I need you to get in there, secure any evidence you can find, rescue any civilians left inside, and stop Kingpin. Think you can do that?"
"Please." He jumps on top of the vehicle. "I'm New York's finest." Swinging up higher, he dodges several bullets aimed at him in futility. He webs a few gunmen in the face. "Shots fired!" He grabs another one and jumps through a window, shattering it and throwing the guy into his colleague. "Catch!"
Landing in the lobby, the cops are happy to see him. "Hey Spider-Cop, think you can clear a path?"
Throwing the officer a salute, he replies. "You bet." He jumps down into the fray of battle. "Don't worry everyone." His voice drops several octaves and becomes grizzly. "Spider-Cop is on the case."

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