Chapter 1

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Spider-Cop's first job was to take down all the goons on the ground, and then the balcony above them. Then a few came out of the elevator, but they were almost too easy to web up.

After the coast is clear, several officers come in and try to get the elevator going again, but they shut it down. "They shut the elevator down, take the stairs!" One of the officers turns to Spider-Cop. "Think you can use your sticky powers for a more direct approach?"
Spider-Cop shoots a thumbs up. "You bet." With the team going up the stairs, Spider-Cop pries open the elevator doors and hops into the shaft.

Climbing up the shaft, Spider-Cop gets a call from Yuri. "What's your status?"
"Making my way up and hoping no one turns in the elevators."
"Our chopper is taking fire. Looks like Fisk has armed men on every floor."
Spider-Cop gets the gist. "He's like a cornered animal, throwing everything he's got at us."
"It gets worse. We picked up some chatter, and they're wiping all the data from their servers. We need that evidence if we're going to make these charges stick. Think you're up to the task?"
Spider-Cop puts on the grizzly voice again. "Spider-Cop can handle anything you throw at him, cap."
"I'm hanging up now."

Exiting through the elevator shaft and getting into the vents, Spider-Cop gets a call from his aunt. "Oh crap, May. I better answer." He answers the call. "Hey Aunt May."
She seems shocked by the ruckus. "Peter, what is all that noise?" He crawls through the vents of Fisk tower nervously.
"Watching a, uh, cop movie. What's up?"
"I just wanted to make sure we were still on for dinner tomorrow night."
"Of course. Uh, I really gotta go. Love you May!"
"I love you too Peter." She hangs up.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Spider-Cop exits the vents to find officers under fire from Fisk's cronies. "That's my que." he web zips to the floor the gunmen are on and starts taking them down, using acrobatic flips to dodge bullets. Once all the bad guys are down and in the capable hands of the REAL law enforcement, Spider-Cop zips up to the server room on the floor above.

Using the AR in his mask, he sees the goons in the server room. "Going through the front door isn't an option." He sees a vent on the ceiling. But maybe I can use my very own private ventrance." Crawling through the ducts, Spider-Cop quips to himself. "For a dirty criminal, Fisk has incredibly clean air vents."

He reaches a vent above a thug and does a vent takedown. "Is this tech support? I forgot my password." He takes down the goons as quickly as possible after noticing the timer on the screen. "I need to save the evidence before everything is gone." Thankfully he's not just a superhero, he's also a scientist. "Let's see how good their security is. Aw, you guys forgot the latest kernel patch. Tsk tsk."

The giant screen above him suddenly turns into Fisk. "Hiding in the server room? Cowardly, even for you."
Spider-Cop shrugs. "Says the guy frantically erasing his search history."
Fisk scoffs. "After all these years, you're still an ignorant child."
"Hey," he points at the spider themed cop logo on his blue shirt "respect the badge." He presses one last button on the console to finish downloading the evidence. "Boop."

Fisk looks at something on his own computer. "Damn you." He turns to someone next to him off screen. "Get that door down, now!" The door to the server room bursts open to reveal more goons.
"How many of you are there?!" While taking down the thugs, Fisk had a whole speech prepared about how he's the one that kept the criminals in check and the city will be thrown into chaos and blah blah blah you need me and whatever. Spider-Cop tuned him out after two words.

Leaving the server room, the ceiling blows up, revealing the next floor above them while Yuri calls. "Did you see that?"
Yuri confirms. "I saw it. Fisk could have the whole place wired. I'm sending in a bomb squad."
"I'll make sure no one gets in their way." Spider-Cop takes down the sparse goons still on that floor. "Guess Willy is starting to run out of thug money."

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