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-After a Week-

Jimin : Okay Jennie okay now stop crying

Jennie : noooo how the hell he said like this to me huhhhh

Jennie went Jimin's company today as she was upset with Taehyung so she decided to tell everything to Jimin as he always comfort her and always scold Taehyung whenever he make her cry , right now Jennie was crying in Jimin's office sitting on the sofa where Jimin was hugging her tight caressing her back

Jimin : yeah I know i know whatever he said was absolutely wrong but first you should stop crying my Dumpling

Jennie : he said Elma help me because I'm rich and blah blah , the hell it is . he- he- he then said Muslim people are absolutely crazy

She starting crying more Jimin felt so bad for her as he knows how much she respect and love Muslim.

Jimin : the hell I'm gonna beat the shit out of him

Jennie : yes yes kick his ass slap his cheeks and yeah don't forget to punch his stomach

Jimin sighs and said

Jimin : ok ok I'll but first stop crying

She look at him with her red glossy eyes which was making her looking cute

Jimin : my little Dumpling ain't you're hungry???

Jennie nod her head with a sad cute little pout. Jimin chuckled and ask

Jimin : okay so let's order some pizza and boba???

Jennie : okie

Jungkook : and then Hyung she left from there

Jungkook was in Taehyung's office telling him about the incident between Aina and him where Taehyung was silently listening to him with his eyes on his laptop as he was working but still listening to Jungkook then jungkook said

Jungkook : now tell me Hyung is it my fault?

Taehyung : Jungkook this is not that big deal plus I don't take a decision just by hearing from one side. How do I know how much truth there is in what you told me?

Jungkook : what's in earth Hyung do you think I'm lying????

Taehyung : I did not say this, I am just saying that I will take a decision on this matter when I get to hear it from that girl's side too.

Jungkook : Hyung, I can see that , either you are angry with me or you don't care about me anymore

Taehyung stop his work and look at him with sharpe piercing gaze which make Jungkook shut his mouth. Taehyung look away from him then he noticed the time.

Taehyung : you can go now Jungkook . Today people will be interviewed in my company because last time I fired a lot of employees.

He said while collection some of his important stuff then when he was about to stand up from his seat suddenly the door of his office open with a loud thud sound .


Taehyung Sighed hard and grab his head when he saw Jimin with Jennie in his office at this time . Jungkook was already eating his mind and now these two had also come to trouble him.

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