Elevator (18+)

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For weeks, I’ve been trying to prove to my best friend Vonde that I’m tough, strong, and bold enough to handle whatever he throws my way. But he's not taking the bait. Lately, it seems like he’s testing how long I can hold out before either challenging him outright or confessing my feelings. He watches my bravado with smirks and taunts, then unexpectedly praises me in front of others, relishing the fire in my eyes as I struggle to contain my emotions. The tension between us is electric.

At the party, tensions between Vonde and I escalated as we exchanged heated glances while observing each other’s increasing alcohol consumption. I knew I had the advantage since Vonde was a lightweight, despite his denial, while we excelled in drinking games. With each glance, I noticed his bleary red eyes lingering over my body, adding to the intoxicating atmosphere. As the party thinned out, I seized the opportunity to confront Vonde, finding him sprawled on the couch, boasting about his sobriety to our other friend Rick. Rolling my eyes, I approached.

“I’ll take him home, Rick,” I assert casually, shooting Vonde a smug smirk. Rick regards me warily, sensing some ulterior motive behind my menacing expression. While he doesn’t distrust me, he’s become wary of the ongoing competition between us. He shrugs.

“If you insist, buddy,” he concedes, turning his attention back to Vonde with a sigh. “Looks like he’ll need to be carried, though.”

“Count on it,” I purr, leaning over Vonde’s lap to lock eyes, meeting his somewhat alert yet glassy gaze with my crystal-clear one. “I’ll have no trouble carrying this lightweight home and tucking him into bed with his stuffed toys, especially his favorite body pillow with an anime girl printed on it.”

Vonde’s eyes widen, his face and chest flushing as he quickly glances at Rick, who snorts and covers his face in amusement before returning Vonde’s indignant stare. He had confided in me about his stuffed toys the last time he was this drunk. I chuckle and straighten up, patting Rick on the shoulder with a wide smile. He looks at me like I’m crazy but can’t help grinning along. Like Rick, I wasn’t born with a buffed-up body, but I’ve worked hard to be strong, and he always respects that – he’s my workout partner in my arms.

“Can you lend me a hand getting him out of the apartment, at least? I’m not bold enough to attempt this solo, especially navigating the stairs,” I chuckle, talking over Vonde’s pouty drunken protests. “And let’s make sure he drinks a glass of water first.”

“Are you sure you can handle this jerk? I could just help you carry him to his room, ya know?” I shook my head, giving a smack to the drunkard’s head which earned me a slap from the back.

“I’m gonna be fine, Rick. And besides, don’t you have some thesis to finish? I’m pretty sure the deadline’s coming up.”

Shrugging, Rick took a glance at his phone and waved at me. “Alright. I’ll leave you to it. Take care, guys.”  he said before returning to his apartment.

With Vonde’s arm draped around my shoulder and mine around his waist, I navigate the stumbling gait in a straight line. Walking a drunk person home is such a hassle, but he’s already improving in the cool night air after a couple of blocks between apartment buildings. Most of the journey is spent bantering about the party and teasing him about his lightweight drinking habits, even after all these years, until we reach the apartment complex door. Although we started competitively, the tension eased through light laughter and shared jokes by the time we stepped inside.

Suddenly, he flopped onto the couch in the waiting area in front of the elevators, extracting himself abruptly from my tight grip around his waist with a growl and a huff. He stared up at me with the most petulant expression: lower lip full and wet, eyes glassy, cheeks ruddy, and arms crossed underneath his full chest. I suppressed a chuckle, but also couldn’t deny the pull in my gut at the sight of him.

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