🔞7. Melted Chocolates

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*Third person's POV*

Shubman brought a chocolate silk for his boyfriend. He was returning to him after about a month. Being away on the trip he really missed him.

Shubman worked in a tech company and Ishan was the beautiful boy everyone wanted, but Shubman was the one to have him all to himself. He was a school teacher for kids aged 5, and he was their favourite.

Happily keeping the bar of chocolate in his bag, Shubman took a taxi home.

He pressed the bell. Someone's shouting voice came from inside, probably saying 'one minute' and then the door opened.

Shubman's head, that was facing downwards, looked up to match eyes with his Ishan.
"SHUBI! OMG YOU'RE BACK! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING!" He latched onto his boyfriend.
"I missed you too" Shubman chuckled and replied. "C'mon, let's keep all of this inside and I'll give you your gifts"

After keeping the suitcase inside the room, Shubman went to take a shower and Ishan was unpacking his stuff.
"Baby!" Shubman screamed from inside the bathroom. "Hand me the towel and my clothes, please"
"Yeah, coming"

Ishan blushed at the thought of Shubman. He took his towel, purposely leaving his clothes and gave it to Shubman.

A moment later he stepped out, the steam still leaving off of his body. Hair wet and messy and his necklace aligned perfectly with his chest and the water droplets covering his beautiful, exposed abs.

Ishan was devouring the view. He could literally imagine them doing everything naughty.

He didn't even see when Shubman stepped closer to him and now he was holding his waist with one hand, smirking.
"Are you going to take all of the view and give me nothing, Baby?"

Shubman didn't reply, instead he opened the first button of the two in Ishan's shirt, pulling it away. He then slid down the clothes that were covering his bottom too, leaving him exposed to the air around them.

Ishan was quick to undo Shubman's towel and quickly started kissing him, his lips, biting and sucking on them and behind his ear, which was Shubman's weak spot.

"Unh... The windows. I don't want anyone to watch you like this. Only I get to have you this way"
"Hmmm.. they can't, if we're on the bed. I want everyone to hear me scream your name, Shubman. I don't care"

Shubman's dick hardened, making him moan. "Is-shu.. I'm so hard. Fuck . I want you to do something"
"Hm, okay" he said between the kisses.

Ishan stood up from the bed, taking out the chocolate bar Shubman had got. It was melted by now and Shubman was confused looking at what Ishan was doing.

"What are you doing, Ishan... Come back fast"
"Have some patience, Gill, I want to share this gift with you"

Ishan got back to Shubman, who instantly sat against the headboard, letting Ishan fiddle with his cock.
Ishan put some of the melted chocolate over his hand, coating Shubman's dick with it lightly, and then added the rest of it directly.

Shubman's hard was now completely covered in chocolate and Ishan was eyeing it like a hungry kitten.
"Fuck, Baby. You like to think so dirty, Huh? Can you lick all of this off me and suck my dick like a pro? Hm? Can you do that? Take all of my cum inside you, mixed with the chocolate?"

Ishan moaned shameless and loud and bent down to take Shubman's begging cock into his mouth. Shubman instantly moaned at the feeling, his hands moving to grip Ishan's now grown hair.
"Fuck Baby. So awesome. So perfect. Keep going Baby, doing so great. Making me feel so good"

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