Chapter • 4

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It's been 504 hours since Mother's screaming started

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It's been 504 hours since Mother's screaming started.
A whole 3 weeks.
And to be honest, I can't bare it anymore. I can't even bare the sight of her. Her nose also wrinkled up, her mouth, always curving into a frown instead of a smile every time she sees my face. The annoyed feeling that I can read through her just by looking in her eyes that I sometimes try to avoid.

She's too embarrassed.
She refuses to believe that I am her daughter.
She refuses to reveal me to the rest of her family.
She refuses to believe that her daughter possesses an inhumane ability.
She refuses to believe that I inherited her own ability.

And I think I like that she is embarrassed.

I don't know why. Me and her never had a good relationship from the beginning. It almost felt as if she was forced to look after me even though you could clearly tell she is my biological mother.

I wonder if she hid me from my father as-well.

I haven't seen that man. No. I mean father.
You see, it's been so long since I've actually seen him that I don't even know if I should still be allowed to him a 'father'. It's his fault that I'm here anyways.

My thoughts were interrupted as thuds coming from downstairs flooded my mind. I only opened my door to peer out into the hallway just a tiny bit. I could hear Mother talking with someone else.

"Madame, I don't know how to solve this at all, your parents are begging to see your daughter and they won't leave me alone." A high pitched voice from a woman came.

"Then ignore them! I don't care, I don't associate myself with them and neither will my daughter will."

"But don't you think—"

"I think nothing of what you're thinking!" Mother raised her voice, "She's going to rehabilitate."

My eyes widened at the word. No, no.
What does she mean that I'm going to rehabilitate?

My hands pushed open the door more wider, allowing my thin body to only barely brush past the doorframe and the actual side of the door. I was now carefully making down the stairs, being cautious of the floor planks beneath me praying that the won't make any obvious sounds.

"Your boss won't allow that and you know it!"
There voices were more clearer now.

"If it benefits the rich then that's what I shall do. I don't even see her as my real—"

"Mom?" My voice crushed their own voices, turning all the attention on me.

"Lena what are you doing here, get back to your room immediately." Mother shouted with a strict tone however that wasn't going to make me move a feet.

"I said get out!" Her voice raised even higher.
"I will stay." I somehow fought over hers. Incredible.

I sighed out loud and stupidly I decided to say what came to my mind.

"What do you mean you sending me to rehab? What do you mean your parents what to see me? What do you mean?" I pant in exhaustion trying not to let all of my anger out.

"Lena," Mothers voice was low now, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath muttering something under it. "I swear to my dead sister Lena Hwang, if I open my eyes after the count of three and your still here stood in-front of me—"

Her tone didn't phase me. Not one bit. She may have been my mother but as if right now, she definitely did not look like someone who you would call 'mother'.

The shouting that spat from her mouth did barely fazed me. All I could do was examine her crisp face, each area you looked, skin sagged in bags gripping onto her flawed facial muscles for dear life. She didn't look like this from when I was younger, at least...before I was born. I remember the time I found a couple of old polaroid pictures that were found stashed away in an abandoned album. Oh how she looked so youthful, pretty and rebellious. But now? Definitely not. She was rebellious quite alright seeing how she tried to hide her pregnancy with me from her own family but her face changed absolutely. Her nose, narrowed. Her lips, shrivelled, Her eyes, sunken.

I only brought myself back to reality, or should I say she brought me back to reality when she hit my face.
She was yelling. "Are you even listening?"
I wasn't. And now I had to pay the price.

congratulations! You made it to the end of chapter 4!!

yall don't understand how long this short chapter took me...
Lowkey just using this as gcse revision.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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