Chapter One

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Tristan was just about to sleep when an old, almost forgotten phone started to ring. It was muffle, but she could identify the 2000 and late ring tone.

She jumped out of bed, landing softly on the balls of her feet and flying into her closet. In the back, behind her scrubs, was her folded up, ratty leather hunting jacket. She reached the pocket and pulled out the vibrating and ear blistering phone. Only three people had her number, and it was never good when they called.


She answered it quickly. Dad never called. Ever. "Hello? Dad? What's wrong?"

"Tristan?" His voice was worried and slightly cracked from bad cell service. The phone was over 10 years old. He sighed in relief to the sound of her voice. "Look, you're going to a school in Iowa, right?"

Tristan rolled her eyes. "I graduated two weeks ago, but yeah, I'm in Iowa. Why?"

Bobby sighed. He never kept up with her school things. He didn't care. He was a hunter. She wasn't. That's all that needed to be different to break them apart.

"Tris, I need you to get into your car and drive to Bedford. Go to Hot Tail Motel and find Sam and Dean for me. I think they're in trou-"

"Slow down!" Tristan cried out, already packing a bag. "Dad, you're going to go into hysterics. Would you calm down?"

"No!" Bobby shouted back. He took a couple of breaths, calming himself. "My boys are in trouble and I can't get there in time."

Tristan rolled her eyes again, but started putting up her red hair. My boys this, my boys that. It was never my girl is going to medical school. My girl escaped this crazy life.

"Whatever. What are we dealing with?" She grabbed her emergency hunting bag from the very back of her closet. She threw in a pair of jeans and a couple of t shirts, as well as checking her ammo.

Bobby sighed in relief, telling her exactly what to do and how to do it.

"Are you sure that'll work?" She signed a note to her roommate, telling her that'll she'll be back soon, just visiting family.

With reassurance from her father, Tristan hung up the phone, and looked at her jacket. "Not this time." Instead she threw on a leather and cotton sleeve sweat shirt. She jogged out of her apartment, bag slung over her shoulder.

Hours later, Tristan shut off her car and ran straight into the building. She slowed down, cautiously taking every step. She clenched the leather handle of her bronze knife under her jacket, hoping not to draw attention.

A loud crashed caught her attention. She darted towards the noise through the empty and dirty looking halls. She peeked around the corner and saw a bulky man with an ax raised over his head, a slimmer man on the floor, bracing himself, and a being with one of the most terrifying faces Tristan has seen in a long time. The Siren.

Tristan ran forward, knife raised. She stabbed the man with the ax in the arm, making him scream and turning around. She ducked and grabbed the ax that he swung around. She tossed it away and looked at the Siren and grinned. "You are one ugly son of a bitch."

It started running down the hall and she chased after it, jumping over the man on the floor, whose eyes were glazed over and confused. She skillfully threw the knife, the blade plunging itself through the Siren's heart. The beast hit the floor, dead, dissolving into dust. 

She turned around, a slight smile on her face. The two men were staring at her, stunned, like they had just come out of a haze. "You boys alright?" They just continued to stare at her, confusion and sweat covering their faces. She rolled her eyes. "Get into the room, both of you."

The buff man helped the one off the floor. They staggered into the room and Tristan followed. The slender, long haired one pulled up the door, laying against the door frame.

Dean looked at her for a moment and then as quick as a whip, pulled a gun from the inside of his shirt pocket. "Who the hell are you? How do you know us?"

Tristan didn't even flinch, but slight sadness tinged in her eyes. "Dean Bean, how could you forget?" 

Dean froze for a second then the gun fell out of his hand. Realization peaked into his green eyes. "Tristan?" He enveloped her in a hug that brought back memories of their childhood, when they weren't the adults and didn't have to kill.

Dean set her down, smiling ear to ear. "I can't believe it. It's been ages." He pulled back and glanced at her once blonde hair. "Someone dipped your hair into koolaid."

"I've missed you too," she agreed. Sam caught her eye and smiled. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck and he lifted her up from the waist. His eyes were teary and he didn't want to let her go. They had always shared the same mind set- to get out and to stay out. He admired that she was able to do it for so long.

Dean cleared his throat. "Well, if you two nerds are done being nerds, I heard someone has a medical degree. I also know that same person stabbed me."

Tristan smiled and laughed. "Lemme go get my bag and I'll stitch you back up. Just go wash it off, would you?"

Dean saluted and went to the bathroom, tearing off his shirt on the way and flinging it to the floor. He slammed the door, shaking the picture next to the door frame. 

Tristan made her way towards the door, which Sam moved out of the way for her. "Thanks. Are you guys going to fix that?" She joked. 

Sam smiled softly. "I think they'll survive." He started walking next to Tristan down the hall, hands stuffed into his jacket pocket. 

They walked in silence until they got outside to Tristan's car. Well, it's a rental her roommate used to visit her family the other day. She'll just return it for her. 

"What's on your mind, Sammy?" Tristan popped the trunk and reached for her bag, but Sam grabbed it first.

He closed the trunk and leaned against the car. Tristan propped up herself on the back of the car and looked at Sam, smiling softly. 

"So, uh," Sam scratched the back of his head. "You here to stay?" He was awkward and worried, like she was going to run away if he said the wrong thing. 

Tristan shrugged "I have a job interview tomorrow. I'll just call 'em and move it." She started moving back towards the motel. "I got out Sam. I plan to stay out. I saved yours lives. Now I need continue living mine." She turned and smiled, reaching out her hand. "C'mon. I need to stitch up you brother. And don't think I don't see that limp."

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