Chapter 2: Study Sessions

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In the days following their hallway encounter, Chad found himself eagerly anticipating each study session with Kurt. They started meeting at the local library after school, pouring over textbooks and notes together. Despite his initial nerves, Chad discovered that Kurt was easy to talk to, and their conversations flowed effortlessly.

As they sat side by side at a secluded table in the library, Chad couldn't help but steal glances at Kurt when he thought he wasn't looking. He admired the determination in Kurt's eyes as he tackled each problem, the furrow of his brow when something didn't quite click, and the way his face would light up with understanding when Chad explained a tricky concept.

For Kurt, studying with Chad was unlike anything he had experienced before. He found himself enjoying their time together more than he cared to admit, relishing the quiet moments of concentration interspersed with lighthearted banter. There was something about Chad's presence that put him at ease, something he couldn't quite put into words.

As the weeks passed, their study sessions became a regular occurrence, and Chad found himself looking forward to their time together more and more. He cherished the moments when their hands would brush as they reached for the same book, or the shared laughter over a silly joke.

One evening, as they packed up their things and prepared to leave the library, Chad felt a surge of courage wash over him. He turned to Kurt, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to find the right words.

"Hey, Kurt," Chad began, his voice slightly shaky with nerves.

Kurt looked up, his eyes meeting Chad's with a curious expression. "Yeah, Chad? What's up?"

Chad took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say. "I just wanted to say... I'm really glad we started studying together. You've made these past few weeks really enjoyable for me."

A smile tugged at the corners of Kurt's lips, and Chad felt a rush of relief wash over him at the sight. "Yeah, me too," Kurt replied, his voice soft yet sincere. "I never knew studying could be this much fun."

As they left the library and made their way home, Chad couldn't shake the feeling of excitement that bubbled up inside him at the thought of what the future might hold. And as he stole one last glance at Kurt walking beside him, he couldn't help but wonder if their relationship was slowly leaning towards something more.

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