• CHAPTER 17 •

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"5 years later, somewhere in Paris"

"P-please p-please the man begged on his knees, as Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair. Crossing his leg over the other, signalling Mingyu to hit the man. A hard thud sound came from the impact the man had taken from Mingyu's bat. He groaned in pain, before falling at Jungkooks shoes.

Jungkook used his shoe/foot, placed it under the man's chin and made him look up. "Did you sell my information Danny?" He asked, as the man cried shaking his head as a no, Jungkook wore his leather gloves. Making the man cry out louder in pain knocking what's coming.


Screams came out of the large basement, until it finally stopped, Jungkook came out covered in blood, as he took off his gloves, "don't give him food for the next 3 days. He will have to open up one day" Jungkook said, making Mingyu nod.

"I need to go for that dealership" Jungkook said fixing his sleeve, "schedule a meeting with the Chois for me." Mingyu nodded and opened the car door for Jungkook. As Jungkook sat the car drive off.

After 20 minutes of driving, Jungkook asked one of his men to stop and go get him a black coffee. Putting on his sunglasses, he got out leaning towards the car. He looked at his watch, waiting for his men and growing impatient.

"Sara honey no!" A voice said behind him, making him freeze. He hasn't heard that voice in 5 years...he slowly turned around, his eyes falling on the figure across the street. Cars temporarily blocking his view everytime they passed.

He took off his glasses, shock taking over him, his legs became wobbly, he gulped as he took in y/ns figure. Her hair is now natural brown, she had a floral dress on with a white sweater and even her glasses were on.

She looked older and more mature, he then looked at the little girl she was calling out to, he watched as she grabbed her laughing, the little girl giggled trying to get out of her grip.

Y/n smiled, lifting the little girl in her arms, at that moment. All Jungkook could think was about y/n. How is she? Is she happy? Is she healthy? And one question that bothered him the most.

Is that her daughter?

He gulped, as he kept staring at her. Y/n smiled, walking with the girl, her eyes landing on Jungkook, she stared at him, when he hid his face. He could feel her stare, she was trying to recognise but failed when Sara caught her attention again.

"Your coffee sir" his guard said, as he took it, getting in the car, "you guys take another car, I'll be alone from where." He said, the guards looked at eachother worridly, he looked at them. "Leave." He said in a dominant voice. Making them gulp and go the other car.

Jungkook sneakily followed Y/n. All the way somehow without her noticing, her trail led him to a small orphanage,  She put down the girl from her arms, before speaking and handing some money over to am old lady, who hugged her tightly.

Jungkook sighed a breath of relief. The child wasn't hers. And she was still his. Well technically. She smiled and wished the kids and lady goodbye. Passing his car, as he hid his face.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

Han Y/n 🍙
Sighing, I walked inside my apartment, taking off my sweater and hanging it, placing my bag on the counter, I tied my hair up in a bun. It's been 5 years since everything, and I've made a little world of mine here.

When I came to Paris I was heartbroken, betrayal, grief and depression sank into me. That's when I met Maria, she was an old lady who worked at an orphanage. She helped me to get a job, and even get this apartment.

After 2 years, i frequently donated money to the orphanage. I sighed, picking up a frame on my bed stand. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him. But he shot my uncle. The feelings I felt that day can't be brought into words.

What's even worse? I shot him. My anger took over my mind and before my heart could react. I had shot him, I've never forgotten about it or forgiven myself for it. I don't even know where he is or how he's doing.

I feel guilty for wanting the man who killed my uncle, I bet he didn't even love me. At least that's what Mark told me.
He said that Jungkook used me to get closer to my uncle. If it was all an act why did it feel so real?

It's like I'm seeing him everywhere, even today with Sara I thought I saw him, until maybe I was mistaken. What would he do in Paris? Is he even alive?

I've always had that question. I knew that i didn't exactly aim to kill him, but it always scared me deep down that after i left Jungkook bled to death, for days on end I used to have nightmares and cry alot.

I always knew Jungkook was unsure, but I thought it would take him time to adjust, but looks like God has his own adjustments to make.

I sighed, moving to the kitchen and starting to cook. I heard something fall behind me, making me confused I turned around, to see my coat hanger fallen,confused I picked it up. Until someone pulled me putting their hand on my mouth, and pinning me to the wall.

I was struggling and heavy breathing trying to scream for help or fight my way out, until my eyes met his...the eyes I've longed to see again..

"Jungkook..." I said, my voice barely in a whisper, since he had just removed his hand once he had seen me calm down. I didn't know how to react.

He stared at me. He had long hair now, more piercings then I remember, his sleeves were folded. His tattoos now colored and more. I looked at him, gulping as all the memories came back to me.

I pushed him, picking up a plate, as he pulled me towards him. The plate fell from my hands due to his push to me to the wall.

And all that was heard was our heavy breaths.
And the sounds of the plate shattering.

Reminding us of how we shattered everything.
In a day.
🍙: proud of this one 😚

Until next time~
-Ava <3

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