Temptation and Doubt

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taehyung and Jimin walked out of the college building, Jimin smirked as he noticed taehyung's red cheeks

"So" Jimin nudged Taehyung playfully with his elbow, "are you really going to meet the hottie Jungkook at Euphoria Resort tonight?"

Taehyung practically choked on his own breath. "No way? Chim What are you talking about? You already know how i am" His cheeks exploded a deeper shade of red, He fumbled in his bag's strap

"There's no way I'm going to some fancy resort to meet some random guy. Besides," he added, "he kisses me way too much.."

Jimin burst out laughing, doubling over and clutching his stomach. "Oh my god, Tae," he wheezed between laughs, "you're such a scaredy-cat! So what if he kisses you? Don't tell me you didn't like it a little bit."

Jimin nudged Taehyung again, a knowing smirk on his face, taehyung glared at jimin and he rolled his eyes looking away

Jimin chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye caused by his laughter. "But you gotta admit, Tae, Jungkook is smoking hot!! And kinda possessive towards you, too. Didn't you catch him glaring at that one guy who bumped shoulders with you in the hallway?"

"Maybe, I don't know"

"And have you noticed how his eyes practically devour you whenever you're around? He looks like he wants to memorize every detail of your face."

Taehyung's blush deepened to the color of a ripe tomato, hearing jimin

Taehyung swallowed hard remembering their kiss, His mind replayed the way how Jungkook's arms wrapped around him.

the way Jungkook pinned him against the wall while kissing him

Unconsciously, Taehyung brought his hand up to his lips, his fingers brushing against the place where Jungkook kissed him

"Should I go?"

"Taehyung thought, One part of him craved to see Jungkook again But the other part, screamed at him to stay away from him.

Taehyung clenched his jaw. "No," he muttered "I can't go to Euphoria Resort. It's too risky, it is better to stay away from that jungkook"

"Wait a minute, taehyung! You're telling me you're just gonna leave this chance?! Euphoria Resort is one of the most luxurious resorts in korea! And besides, how about I go there with you"

Taehyung widened his eyes at Jimin's words

"I'm staying home tonight and do my homework And I suggest you to do the same. That place is trouble and also Jeon Jungkook"

He whispered the last line to himself

Jimin raised an eyebrow playfully.

"Ugh, fine! Stay in your room all night drowning in your huge sized books if you want, Mr. Boring! Suits you perfectly."

With that, they walked towards the parking lot going towards jimin's rock bison, Taehyung hopped on the back, clutching on jimin's shoulders tightly making the way towards their own houses.

The clock on Taehyung's nightstand flickered to 12:00 AM, tae was sprawled on his bed like a starfish, Despite the late hour, he couldn't sleep, he was wide awake and staring at the baby blue textured ceiling.

His mind ran with a million thoughts, all leading to one place: Jungkook.

He could practically picture Jungkook waiting for him at the Euphoria Resort

Taehyung lifted his hand and stared at it. Jungkook's number were scribbled on his skin, a little faded now Just looking at it made his heart skip a beat

With a frustrated sigh, Taehyung closed his eyes tightly trying hard to sleep hugging his teddy bear.

Jungkook straddled his sleek black BMW motorcycle, He was parked right out front of the Euphoria private beach Resort, the one he owned.

In his gloved hands, there was a bouquet of roses and a small velvet box.

The box had a rare diamond ring clutched in his other hand

the usual playful smirk that danced on Jungkook's lips was not there. Instead Jungkook had a smirk on his lips which looked psychotic,

It was the kind of smile raised the hairs on the back of peoples neck.

He was patiently waiting for Taehyung for seven hours now, his patience was wearing thin as he looked at the time in his rolex watch

1 A.M

Jungkook laughed like a manic now with his piercing eyes staring at the sky.

Just then, there was a loud crack of thunder, and rain started pouring down heavily, Jungkook didn't flinch, he stood there completely drenched by the heavy rain with that creepy smile still on his face.

Just then, there was a loud crack of thunder, and rain started pouring down heavily, Jungkook didn't flinch, he stood there completely drenched by the heavy rain with that creepy smile still on his face

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"Let's see what I do with you tomorrow, pup" he muttered through gritted teeth.

"This is something you won't forget in your entire life."

His gaze fell on the bouquet of flowers he'd been holding, The delicate petals, once vibrant and full of life, were now limp and drenched, mirroring Jungkook's own shattered heart.

With a dangerous growl, he dropped the flowers on the wet ground, his foot connecting with the bouquet with a sickening thud.

Petals scattered like confettis, Not satisfied, he stomped on the ruined flowers again and again, grinding them into the mud.

His gaze fell on his bike which was parked behind him, he kicked his bike furiously that made the Jungkook groan when the pain that shot up his leg, he cursed holding his leg.


He grabbed his helmet, the leather slick with rain, and shoved it roughly on his head.

He sat onto the bike, hunching forward over the handlebars in a posture that mirrored his predatory mood.

the engine roared to life, The rain that blurred his vision seemed to fuel his anger, each drop stinging like a tiny needle.

He gripped the handlebars so tightly his knuckles turned white, and steered the bike out of the deserted resort

The roar of the engine echoed through the empty streets, a mechanical growl that mirrored the storm brewing inside him,

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he saw the familiar gates on his jeon mansion.



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