⌞ twenty-six : winter break ⌝

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" There's more to this than just... winning. "



"Hey, how are you?"

I shifted my phone so it could rest on my shoulder as I folded my clothes. "I'm good. I finally got all my pictures printed so I'm packing them for my visit." 

"You could have just mailed them and I would have put them in your room." 

I chuckled, sticking the package with all my pictures in my bag. "Ju, as much as I would have loved that. I would much rather carry them." 


"So, we'll land at two. Be there by two." 

"I will be there. Jeez, Luls. Have some faith in me." 

I snorted and packed my bag with the rest of my stuff by the door. It was winter vacation and finally time to go to Monaco. I was overjoyed with the idea. I would finally get to see Mako again. I wouldn't have to follow any rules because it was just us kids. Mother and Father were staying here this time and we were all reveling at the idea. 

"My bad, Ju. But I have to go, the car will be here in a second and I have to make sure that everyone has their stuff." 

"Yes, yes. Text me and keep me updated on everything, please." 

"Of course. Je t'aime." 

The call disconnected and I tucked it into my back pocket. I grabbed my stuff and stuck it outside my door, closing it behind me. Charlie had his bags in the hall and so did Lore but I didn't see Arty's. I sighed and walked across the hall to his room. 

I knocked and then opened the door. "Art?" 

He turned around. "I can't find my sunglasses!" 

I sighed. "Head." 

He reached up and then flushed. "Sorry.." 

"You're good. Are you finished?" 

He nodded and pointed to his bags. 

"Grab them and let's go." 

He followed after me as I turned on my heels. I didn't need to look behind me to see him starting to walk down the stairs. 

"Charlie, Lore! Let's go. I'm not waiting for you. We have a plane to catch and you will get left behind." 

Their doors opened at the same time and both had the same scowl that made me snort. I pointed to the stairs. 

"Yeah, yeah. We're coming." 

I nodded and went to grab my things, needing to check everything again. The whole winter break in Monte Carlo without our parents, it was a dream come true. And all that stood between us was a plane ride. 


I sighed as we walked off the plane. I didn't see Jules and I was tired. Lore was with Charlie and Arty was holding my hand, barely away from his nap on the plane. I wasn't able to rest, my mind running with everything that needed to be done. 

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