Chapter 9: Fun with the Women

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So sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out! My life has been extremely busy and the time limits my parents put up have slightly gotten in the way! (I'm sort of happy they set it up because other wise I would be spending a lot of my time on the electronics-)

Start of Chapter-

(Cassian's POV)

Cassian's arm slid down from around her shoulders to around her waist. He pulled her closer slightly, Brea laid her head on his shoulder. The troop seemed to split up a bit, into their friend groups. Xoey seemed to be talking in a very excited tone with Karamaki andKirvorias. Brea looked at Cassian, noting everything about his attitude.

"Listen Hun. You have to choose." Brea said, quietly to him. "You have to choose me or her."

"You," Cassian answers almost immediately. "I am choosing you."

Brea nodded, then kissed his cheek quickly.


(Kirvorias' POV)

"Oh my Shakiva!!" Xoey squealed. "You guys look so cute together!"

Karamaki blushed slightly, Kirvorias' arm was still around her waist. He was seeing how much he could provoke Cassian and Zigmund. Garvan grabbed the back of Kirvorias' shirt, pulling him off of his sister.

"H–hey! What gives?!" Kirvorias says. Garvan lets him go, smacking the back of Kiri's head.

"That's my sister if you happened to have forgotten," Garvan replied.

"I don't see why that matters

"So?" Kirvorias asked, sort of annoyed.

"So, stop flirting with her," Garvan answered. Zigmund was listening quietly, his eyes narrowed at Kirvorias.

"Ziggy over here isn't the only one who might find your sister attractive," Kiri pointed out, gesturing to Zigmund.

"Don't bring me into this. I don't want to be attacked," Zigmund said, holding his hands up in surrender. Garvan looked between the two, glaring at them.

"Just cause I would prefer if one of you two ended up with her rather than the stupid Redcap, does not mean you can flirt with her when I'm around."

Kirvorias shrugged, smirking a bit, "not our fault you're sensitive.."

Kiri began walking away, back towards the gossiping girls. Xoey was practically jumping up and down with excitement. Karamaki was covering her face, whether it was because of embarrassment or disappointment in her friend, Kiri couldn't tell. Lysandra and Syas had joined the two girls.

At the sight of Xoey's devilish smile, Kirvorias turned and went back over to Zigmund and Garvan.

"Well, you get your way Gravy." Kirvorias said, slightly annoyed. He had wanted to tease Garvan a bit more.

"Scared of a few pretty young women?" Zigmund questioned, smirking.

"You wish," Kiri replied. "..I'm only scared of one.."

Garvan rolled his eyes, "I am stuck with a bunch of children."


(Cassian's POV)

Shavia and Maranea walked over to the squad. Everyone, who had originally been sitting on the ground or separated with their friends, came over to the two leaders.

"I see you have all gotten to meet your troop members," Shavia noted, her tone slightly harsh, a few people nodded.

"Lovely!" Maranea exclaimed. "Now, when the other leaders hurry up and get here, we will explain everything to you younglings!"

Not everything, unless Shavia wants to explain why she was threatening to murder Revimus.. Cassian thought. Zarpha came over, practically dragging Revimus behind her, much like Cassian had witnessed Garvan dragging Kirvorias away from Karamaki. The other two leaders followed behind chuckling.

"Why Mother.." Cassian muttered to himself, basically smacking his face. All the leaders and the troop were there now.

"I would like all of you to understand that you will be stuck with each other and you will need to get along," Shavia told the troop. Anwilla rolled her eyes, while everyone else nodded.

"Get to know each other well, it could very much change something such as life and death," Revimus added. He seemed slightly scared his wife might hurt him if he said something wrong, because his eyes kept flicking back to her.

"I believe that's it," Shavia ended off, then walked away with Maranea. Everyone watched them leave. Then the other leaders left bidding the troop goodbye and good luck in training.

End of Chapter-

While you wait for my slow ass to finish the next chapter and the chapters after that, I would highly recommend going and reading ADistantSkyrimLand's book and Flivir's books!

I will also be working on an MHA Fanfic as I write this book as well-

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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