part four.

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shauna offered to drive cheryl home after practice. she seemed a lot madder at taissa then cheryl was, she couldn't figure out why. 'hey, you could just drop me here,' cheryl spoke for the first time since practice ended.

'you sure?' shauna asked.

'yeah, it's fine,' the car came to a slow stop right outside the entrance to the trailer park. 'um, that's for the ride. you didn't have to,' she said climbing out of the back seat.

'it's okay, i wanted to.' just as cheryl was about to leave shauna shouted for her. 'hey, cherry?'

'yeah?' she called back softly.

'tell allison i'm sorry?' shauna admitted from the car.

'sure?' with a confused smile she waved shauna good bye, still wondering what she means? shauna didn't fuck allies leg? tai did, and still that was an accident.


as she walked up to her door she saw it was unlocked and ever so slightly open, that ment her dad was home. did he know about allie? did he go see her? cheryl marched up to the house and pulled the door the rest of the way open. quiet. she quietly walked to the living room, where she sees her dad asleep on the couch. typical. as she steps closer she finds the small girl passed out on the lazy chair next to him. her leg is in this big ugly cast. will she ever play soccer again?

she remembered she promised to go to vans and get ready so she quietly trying to leave the living room when she hears a voice. 'cheryl?' her voice is very weak. she turns back around to see allie fully awake and sat up.

'hey..' she says in a soft tone walking over to her. 'how you feeling?' she puts her hand on the girl's forehead.

'i have a broken leg, cherry. not a cold.' she responds, swatting her sisters hand away.

'right okay, sorry,' she moves her hand away and puts them up in surrender. 'was dad mad?'

'at us? no. at tai? probably.' allie guessed. cheryl only sighed in response. 'are u going to that party?'

'yeah.. do you want me to stay home?' cheryl quickly asked.

'no no! go have fun, i have to pack anyway,'

'they are still making you come to nationals? but you can't play!' cheryl quizzed.

'they said i didn't have to, but i wanted to see you play.. and win.' she said. 'now go! ur gonna be late and they will be no beer left at that thing!'

' ok ok, i'm going.' as she skipped out of the room she offered one more smile to her already passed out sister.

once she got to her room she thought she'd get dress at home and do hair and makeup and a bit of pre gaming at vanessa's. looking through her wardrobe she realised she desperately needed new clothes. she settled on a denim skirt, tights that where mostly ripped by now, one of alison's cropped baby tee's and these combat boots natalie left at hers one day and never got back. she'd bring a bag and leave it at vans for a while and pick it up once they got home. in the bag she put whatever makeup she wanted and a stolen bottle of her dads whiskey.

it only took her a minute to get to vans, but getting there was never the issue. it was getting inside. as she walked up to her trailer she saw vanessa's mother get in her car and drive off. winner. now she could just use the front door. running up to the door she repeatedly knocked waiting to be let in, untill she grew impatient and just let herself in.

'honey, i'm home!' she announced jokingly making her way to vans room. when she opened the door, she was shocked to see vanessa palmer still in bed?
'umm?? i'm sorry no.' she said ripping the covers off her girlfriend.

'i'm not going.' van protested. 'woe is me.'

'woe is most definitely not you, get up!' cheryl objected.

'i have nothing to wear!'

'are you kidding me?' cheryl stood there dramatically with her hands on the side of her face. 'i've seen your closet, and ur a liar.'

'ha! your also IN the closet!' van impied while giggling to her self. cheryl took the jeans she found on the floor and threw them at her. 'ow!'

'get up!! i need to do my own makeup too you know!'
cheryl whined.

'fine.' van reluctantly got out of bed, took the jeans and a random shirt from the laundry, and went to get changed. cheryl was now say in front of vans mirror doing eyeliner and mascara, while looking crazy. 'look good?'

cheryl turned worin to check her out. 'hot.'

'why thank you.'

'right, i'm done come here,' cheryl said.

'um why?' van asked while sitting down next to her.
cheryl held out the eyeliner in an obvious manner. 'ha! no way!'

'oh come on!' she whined while grabbing her girlfriends face.

'nope. no chance.' van finalised. cheryl took this as a challenge, climbing on top of her so she couldn't move.

'stop moving!' she said with a struggle.

'her that away from my eye you freak!' van said while still laughing. 'ow! don't poke my fucking eye out!'

'i told you to stop moving! it's almost done..' cheryl uttered, while still trying to concentrate. 'see. all done.' van took one look at herself in the mirror and sighed.

'i look like natalie..'

'is that a bad thing?' cheryl warned  

'no..' she sighed back.

'amazing!' the girl enthusiastically replied. 'in my bag there's a bottle of something, i have no clue what it is but it will get us drunk so,'

'oooo yes please!' van said in a creepy voice before taking a huge sip, and gagging. 'that taste like shit!'

cheryl giggled before taking the bottle, 'more for me then!'

'hey! i said it taste like shit, not that i didn't want it! gimmie!' van corrected. 'also tai is gonna pick us up in like ten minutes, that cool?'

'why wouldn't it be cool?' cheryl asked, still doing her lips.

'well.. she kinda crippled your sister, cherry?' van muttered back.

'it was an accident! she didn't mean to.'

'true.. she thinks you like, totally hate her now,' van spilled.

'look, i don't hate her. i'm a little pissed off, sure. but i don't hate her.' cheryl confided in the red head lying beside her. 'have u got a jacket?'

'ummm..' van said searching her room, 'yeah, here.' van tossed the yellowjacket jersey to cheryl.

'ah ha, thank you.' cheryl thanked.

beep beep

'that means it's time to go!' van said, with her hand out to help cheryl stand.

'okay! let's get going.'


part four done!! next chapter will be a bit more thrilling than this one! one more chapter and then they get on the plane!

word count : 1158

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