Rickshaw Chase in Gongmen City

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Monkey: ka-kaaaaa...

Sonic: Dude! Seriously! You had one job. One job! There was only one entrance! How could they have gotten past you?!

Monkey: Sorry.

[Though taken by surprise, Po and Sonic weren't going down without a fight. Pointing to Boss Wolf, Po glared and Sonic did too.]

Po: You! You're ours!

Sonic: Yeah!

Boss Wolf: I'll tell you what's gonna be both of yours: My fists in your plush cuddly, super-soft, and muzzly cute faces! [Monkey leaped down onto one guard and Crane on the other, turning to Boss Wolf with their arms and wings raised, catching him by surprise] Uh-oh.

[Now seeing that he was no match for the warriors alone, he turns around and flees from the prison.]

Po: Get him!

[Po and the Five take off after him. Outside the jail, Boss Wolf jumps onto a rickshaw cart with an antelope driver.]

Boss Wolf: Get me outta here!

Antelope driver: Yes, sir!

[The driver pulled the cart away in a rush as the warriors got out of the jail, seeing him flee.]

Sonic: Quick! We can't let him get away!

Mantis: Stop him!

[They chase after him. Po followed right behind them, before stopping upon realization that there was no way he could move that fast without assistance. He then spotted another rickshaw cart nearby that just might help catch up to the Five and Sonic to catch the Wolf. Up ahead, the Five and Sonic rushed through the city, trying to catch up with Boss Wolf.]

Monkey: Faster!

[Suddenly, Po appeared riding his own rickshaw cart, down the street, speeding past the Five and gaining off Boss Wolf as he pushed the wheels forward like an oversized wheelchair. Sonic was running at the same speed as him riding the cart, to make this a fair chase.]

Monkey: Go, Po, Sonic, go!

[Boss Wolf's cart takes a sharp turn to the right.]

Boss Wolf: Lose him!

Antelope driver: Yes, sir!

[Boss wolf jerked the cart turn to the left into an alley as Sonic did the same. But Po, going too fast and going straight past, saw Boss Wolf go into the alley and missed it.]

Po: Viper!

Viper: Hang on!

[Viper wraps herself around a pole as Po grabs her tail. Using all her strength, she swung Po into the alley, allowing him to continue the chase after Boss Wolf with Sonic, pushing the wheels as fast as he could to catch up to the boss. The alley opens up into a marketplace, bursting with civilians. Boss Wolf saw his cart ride through a marketplace as his enemies got closer. His puller isn't getting him away fast enough, so he takes a different approach. He eventually grabs the driver by his horns.]

Po: What?

Boss Wolf: Hahahaha, watch out!

[Boss Wolf flings the innocent antelope in front of Po and Sonic's path. Sonic easily leaps over the driver and lands back on the ground while Po barely manages to swerve and dodge around the driver, by sliding off a wall and onto the ground, continuing the chase.]

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