Chapter 23: Homecoming

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Faith would've loved to be anywhere else in the world besides having dinner with her friends and their dates. Both Hope and Cyn were talking to the entire table with ease; their dates were relaxed and participating in the conversation enthusiastically. Candy was quite a bit more subdued; still not as comfortable in crowds. Coop didn't have a lot to say, mainly only responding when whatever was said was directed specifically at him, but then otherwise sharing a quiet conversation with Candy.

  "You look really beautiful in that dress, Faith," Isaac said shyly from beside her, looking at her with eyes full of adoration.

Faith's jaw clenched and she forced her mouth to turn up into a smile, "Thanks." He'd already said the exact same thing at least four times since they'd met here, at the restaurant.

"So Candice," Lincoln said, turning his attention from Cyn with a smile. "The rumors around school are that you've got yourself into a sort of turf war with Seraphina."

The entire table went silent. Candy looked both surprised and uncomfortable by his words and Faith watched Coop's entire demeanor go from reluctantly friendly to completely hostile in the blink of an eye. "Lincoln, that's really not something we should talk about right now."

"Well I think everyone's curious," Lincoln laughed. "Right Grady? Isaac?" Isaac shifted uncomfortably beside her and Grady gave an awkward half-laugh before shoveling an overly large bite of steak into his mouth, as if a full mouth would end the tension.

Candy cleared her throat, her gaze flickering to Coop before going back to Lincoln. Faith watched her straighten a little in her seat, something that definitely wouldn't have happened just a month ago. "Seraphina and I had a misunderstanding. There's really nothing to be curious about."

"I'd say," he laughed, clearly not reading the room. Faith's grip on her fork tightened and she envisioned stabbing him with it. "First you stole her boyfriend, then you stole Coop here, right? How'd you manage that?"

"I didn't," Candy answered simply, deliberately turning her attention back to her plate after giving Coop a look that Faith knew well; that was the look Candy had given her all too often when she expected Faith to go off like a bomb. Coop's jaw was clenched tightly and he was staring at the other boy with murder in his eyes.

"You're cute," Lincoln said, continuing the conversation no one else was interested in being a part of, "but you're no Seraphina. Am I right?"

"Lincoln!" Hope gasped, the blood leaving her face.

"You should leave," Cyn said at the same time, her tone low and angry.

"I'm just saying what the rest of the school is thinking," Lincoln said defensively, looking at Cyn in surprise. "I'm not trying to be insulting."

"Then you're a bigger idiot than I thought possible," Faith snapped, glaring at him. "Get the fuck away from our table."

His friendly demeanor disappeared as he looked in her direction. "I haven't finished my food."

Coop was out of his chair before anyone else could say a word, and Faith watched in surprise and more than a little satisfaction as he grabbed Lincoln by the collar and yanked him to his feet, knocking over the chair as he dragged him through the restaurant and out the front door. Other tables were turning to look in surprise and horror and Candy had shot to her feet, rushing off to follow.

Faith lifted her hand to grab the attention of the waiter, "Check please!"


Candice made it out of the restaurant just as Cooper's fist connected with Lincoln's face. "Wait!"

But Cooper was past listening as he shoved the other boy roughly to the ground and towered over him. "Get up," he growled, fists clenched as if aching to make contact again.

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