Innocent Love

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📖📷 Book : Innocent Love
Author : Aiman Shaikh : aimanshaikh06

Couples : Ahad and Haya
Tropes : Cute-pure, green-flag-husband, love-and-first-moments, sweet-and-sexy

OMG!... It's such a cute and pure Islamic love story.

Ahad is madly in love with Haya. Her love and her presence matter most to him. The way he treats her, constantly looking after her, looking for her comfort, just brings out the biggest green flags!

It's the little things that are so significant in a relationship. The first forehead kiss, the consent and respect on the wedding night, the possessiveness in claiming each other as theirs, the first time praying together, his possessiveness in wanting to hide her from others eyes, only to spend full day looking at her, calling her from the office just to hear her voice, the first cuddle... It's all SOOO beautiful and leaves you feeling goosebumps in love! *Too much blushing*

Haya's journey to get comfortable with her husband and opening up to him, showing him her bubbly and childish side is so much fun to read!... Ahad's patience, his step-by-step attempt at making Haya used to him, to his touch and his life, is truly lovely.

Haya's reaction to him being unwell just cements the sort of romance in a permanent, undeniable, cannot-live-without-you way.

"How anyone cannot love an innocent, sweet, kind girl like you, whenever I look at you, I want nothing to do but hide you in my arms from this world."

Where Ahad and Haya are the graceful, ideal couple with serene romantic moments, Taimoor and Inam (cousins) are the cutesy young couple, fighting, teasing, and in the process falling deeply in love.

(FYI. the 'Mashaallah' after the lifts the wedding veil, gets me every time!)

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