J stands for Joey

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The sun beamed down onto Damien's body as he stood outside, smoking a cigarette. He'd decided that today he'd spend time relaxing and thinking, maybe help his parents with some things around the house like he used to back when he was younger.

The heat began to intensify a bit, making Damien wish he was inside where the cool air was.  Yet, despite that fact, he stayed outside, continuing to take small puffs of the cigarette he was smoking.

His mind kept going back to what Eduardo had told him; about "Spider" and the things that might start to pop off now that they were here in town. He couldn't keep himself from growing frustrated at the idea, having to take a deep breath of air before exhaling harshly. He didn't wanna think about that right now.

As he stood out, enjoying the weather and the tranquility it gave him, the rain began to fall. The clouds began to block the sun out, darkening the sky and placing a sense of shade on the surface.

Damien stubbed his cigarette out, sighing. Damn rain, he thought.

He turned and entered the house again, greeting his father, Thomas, who was currently fixing an old toy sailboat.

"Hey, pop," Damien greeted, standing in the doorway of the sitting room.

"Hey son," Thomas said in response, giving a small smile. "Wasn't expecting you to come back in for at least another hour."

"Yeah, well," Damien sighed. "It started raining; didn't wanna get soaked."

The faint scent of cigarette smoke could be detected on Damien, even from afar. The smell made Thomas frown.

"Your mother needs to see you in the kitchen. Says she needs your help with something," Thomas told him. He'd look over the smoking issue for now. "We're havin' guests over. So, try to behave yourself when they get here, yeah?"

Damien didn't say anything else. He had heard what his father had said, an eyebrow raising. Guests?

He walked to the kitchen, seeing his mother beginning to put some pot roast onto the stove, a ham baking in the oven. Darlene had been busy since early this morning, preparing and making sure things were perfect for when the guests arrived. She didn't like being last minute, and didn't like having to worry about whether or not things were the way she wanted them to be.

Damien went and joined her at the kitchen counter, watching her move about busily. He could smell the scent of the food she was making, the scent coming from the pot she'd left on the stove, the scent of seasonings and various spices.

     "Pop said you needed me for something," Damien then spoke up, leaning against the counter top as he watched his mother cook.

     Darlene glanced at him, giving a small smile.

     "I do," she replied. "We're having guests over tonight, and I need you to make sure that the dining table gets set," she added.

     "So I've heard," Damien then rolls his eyes, sighing softly. "Who's comin' over?" He asks her.

     Darlene moves around the kitchen, going to wash her hands as she waits for the pot on the stove, and the roasts inside to cook. She dries her hands after cleaning them, glancing out the kitchen window.

     "Some friends of mine," her voice is soft, a happy smile being heard in it when she spoke. "They're very nice people. So, I expect you to behave yourself."

     "They have to come here for dinner?"

     "Oh, sweetheart, don't be like that," Darlene tells him, hearing the annoyance in his voice. "It's not like they bite."

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