Am I In Love ?

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The next morning, sliver of sunlight peeked through the dark clouds, casting an uncertain glow over Taehyung's worried face.

He woke up way too early, his mind replaying the events of yesterday on repeat.

With a heavy heart, Taehyung dragged himself out of bed and got ready for college.

He wasn't looking forward to facing Jungkook, or whatever punishment he had planned

taehyung and Jimin arrived at college together, Jimin noticed taehyung's silence, He knows that his best friend is scared, they exchanged nervous glances.

taehyung didn't even want to come to the college in the first place then he realized that he can't hide from jungkook forever.

"Don't worry, okay? It'll probably be nothing. Maybe Jungkook just forgot about the whole thing."

Taehyung offered him a weak smile,
"Yeah, right," Taehyung mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.

"He might be waiting for me for hours yesterday. There's no way he forgot."

Jimin nudged Taehyung playfully saying

"The worst Jungkook could do is kiss you aggressively" He chuckled and taehyung rolled his eyes, a small smile at the corner of his lips

They continued walking down the familiar hallway, their laughter echoing softly. As they passed their lockers, The college had a strict rules against phones on campus.

Every student had a locker to keep their phones during class hours. It was a rule that every student must follow.

Tae sighed feeling slightly relieved when he walked towards his class because he didn't see Jungkook on his way, since the teacher would be there any minute, he could avoid Jungkook for at least another lesson.

A hopeful smile played on Tae's lips, Taehyung pushed open the classroom door, stepping inside

He widened his eyes seeing Jungkook casually sitting on the teacher's desk like a king, His jacket was slung carelessly over his one shoulder, revealing a crisp white t-shirt that clung to his broad chest. His long legs sprawled on the table screamed fucking dominace.

Jungkook looked up with a smirk meeting taehyung's doe eyes, A slow, predatory smile spread across his face, The once messy black hair Tae was used to seeing was now styled into a sleek, rebellious mess.

The familiar bunny smile was replaced by a smirk, Tae felt himself rooted to the spot, unable to tear his eyes away from jungkook's eyes

the senior looked......dangerous. Dangerously attractive.

The moment taehyung looked down
Jungkook pushed himself off the desk. He walked towards Taehyung, each long stride lessening away at the distance between them.

Taehyung froze his heart beating in an abnormal pace

Jungkook stopped right in front of him, close enough for Taehyung to feel the faint musky scent of his cologne

taehyung lifted his gaze slowly, meeting Jungkook's dark eyes, The senior was a few inches taller

The senior leaned down slightly, his warm breath hitting against taehyung's lips, Jungkook pulled the younger boy closer by his waist.

taehyung's gasped as he was yanked forward, his back slamming against the edge of his desk. He could feel the senior's gaze burning into him, intense and hungry

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