Chapter Eleven

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THE GROUP decided to take a pause on what Stiles called "Plan Alex." Take a few days to come up with ideas that could potentially send both Caleb and Alex back to their reality.

Truth be told, Scott wasn't dealing with this very well.

Neither was Derek.

To Derek, in the short amount of time Alex had been here, she was basically like a younger sister to him.

To Scott? Well, Scott couldn't quite figure out what Alex meant to him yet.

At first, Scott was hesitant, as anyone would be if someone came into their world from a different reality. He started to grow closer to Alex, and after school would soon turn into "studying dates" but they didn't call them that, he just wished they were.

And now? His heart was torn between what they were and what they weren't.

He knew he would have to cross a line between Alex and Allison.

He just didn't know if he could.

The weight of indecision weighed heavily on Scott's shoulders as he sat hunched over the dining table. Stiles, perched across from him, furrowed his brow in concentration while absentmindedly tapping his fingers against the table's surface. Derek, to Scott's right, sat with his arms crossed, his jaw clenched in determination. The tension in the air was clear, as the three of them wracked their brains for a solution that could send Alex and Caleb back home safely.

"Okay can I just say something? Am I the only one who doesn't want them, or at least, Alex to go back home?" Stiles asks, sighing in frustration.

Stiles' question hung in the air, prompting Scott to glance at Derek, his brows creased in uncertainty. Derek met his gaze, a flicker of hesitation in his eyes before he cleared his throat and spoke up.

"You're not the only one," Derek admitted, his voice low and tinged with emotion. "Alex has become like a sister to me. But we have to remember that she has a life in her own world."

Scott nodded, his throat tightening as he wrestled with the conflicting emotions. "I know, Derek. It's just... she's become an important part of our lives. And I can't help but think about what could have been."

"Do you think...she'd stay longer?"

Scott shrugs and leans his elbows onto the table, resting his chin in his hands.

Derek sighed heavily, his expression a mixture of empathy and pragmatism. "It's not our place to ask her to stay, Stiles. She has her own life and responsibilities in her world. As much as we might want her to stay, we have to respect her right to return home."

Scott rubbed his temples, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "I know, Derek. You're right. It wouldn't be fair to ask her to stay. I just can't help but think about how much she's meant to all of us in such a short time."

Derek nodded, "I wouldn't be involved, but If you really want her to stay longer you need to come up with a plan to distract her and her brother. But I'm telling you this now, she's ready to go."

"How would we do that?" Stiles asks.

Derek shrugs again and stands up and pats Scott on the shoulder,"That's up to you two to figure out."

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