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The Radiant Sovereign ran for his life when the gates to hell opened.

His grace and General Reya made for the main gates of the museum campus. The dark loomed over them, and not just in the sky. The thin film of light around them seemed to emanate from their golden and white coats, the only light source in the doom.

They stopped at a considerable distance from the large black iron door. General Raya looked back and saw her approach. Sparks of blue flew about in the black air. General shook her head at the Radiant, who was about to flick his wrist, but then he stopped. General flicked her wrists, and orange flames leaped onto her palms. Balls of scalding orange fire made way for the oncoming colossal figure.

The Warden, that's what the Nishachars called her. Her titanic build floated in the dark, several feet above ground. Through the lights her electrical currents produced, they saw that the Warden was as big as the large museum structure behind her.

She laughed, and the sky echoed, graciously dodging the orange fireballs General Reya projected at her. The fireballs that missed her hit the looming museum, and the structure started to blow apart.

In the meantime, the Radiant Sovereign poised himself facing the wall, wincing at the pain in his chest. The pain from when he lost to the Queen and she put the curse of Blighthex on him. He brought his palms together, and a couple of purple fireballs leaped to life.

But then, he didn't use the fire to project. He let the fireballs grow in size over his palms, and they became bigger and leaked into streams, running the length of his body. Washed in purple fire, he drew an arc on the ground with his feet, pushing down the shooting pain in his chest.

General Raya warded off the Warden's streaks of electricity with just swift, perfectly maneuvered dodge rolls, accompanied by an occasional volley of orange fireballs on her.

As soon as the Sovereign formed the arc, his hands joined into a namaste, but with only his forefingers and thumbs sticking out, the rest curled. The purple fire around him rippled as if in response, and he let it loose.

The fire shot in a torrent at the large iron lattice gates. The gates melted in seconds.

The fire had formed a glowing, fiery tunnel from where he stood to way forward towards the horizon.

He screamed for his General, "General. Now is the time."

The General took another dodge roll and stepped into the purple fire tunnel, mixing with its lustre. The duo shot ahead as the tunnel erased behind them, as swift as light itself.


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