XII. | The Merge

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Angelica couldn't believe her eyes. She smiled at the man

"Kol, you came to save me.. you were right.. I.." Angelica said as she began to cry. Kol walked over to her a frowned. It broke his heart to see her like that

"You poor thing. I'm here to save you" Kol said as he broke her restraints. She instantly wrapped her arms around him. Kol was taken off guard by this, but returned the hug. He missed her so much

"I missed you, Kol.. Kai.. I couldn't see it before.. but.. he's been horrible" Angelica cried. Kol looked at her and wiped her tears with his thumb

"Don't cry, I've got you now.. no one's gonna hurt you" Kol said softly. She looked up at him before pressing her lips against his. Kol immediately kissed back, he had missed her touch. He had missed everything about her. Then, suddenly he was out. Angelica had snapped his neck. She watched as his body fall limp onto the ground. She rolled her eyes before she wiped away her tears, stepping over his body

"So stupid" She said before walking over to Bonnie and grabbing her phone. She unlocked it and went through her texts to find out where Kai was located. Damon had flat out told her where he was being held. Angelica thanked Damon before giving Bonnie back her phone. She then found her own phone sitting nearby. She unlocked it to see she had text messages from Kai

Are u still mad
I'm sorry
Please respond
Look you're right.. I was wrong
I made a mistake
Please I need you

She dialed his phone number and it began to ring

"Hello?" Elena's voice rang out. Immediate jealousy began to bubble inside of Angelica

"Why do you have his phone?" Angelica replied

"Angie? How are you- Oh my God.. where's Bonnie?!" Elena yelled

"She's asleep. I'm guessing Kol did that with the help of one of his little witches.. I snapped his neck by the way. I'm very angry, I'll have you know. You guys betrayed me, again" Angelica said before she walked over a picked up a knife. She went back over to Bonnie

"We knew you'd react like this" Elena said

"You're gonna bring me Kai.. or I'm gonna slit Bonnie's pretty little throat. You have an hour. You know where I am" Angelica said before hanging up. She then put her phone in her pocket. She walked over to Kol and pulled it out his phone. It was password protected. She put in her name and it unlocked

"So obvious.." She said before going to his contacts and dialing a familiar hybrid

"Kol, where are you?" Klaus' voice rang out

"Sorry, he can't come to the phone right now" Angelica replied

"I had heard rumors you were alive.. I can see why Kol vanished. Though one of my daggers is missing as well" Klaus said. Angelica's eyes widened and began searching Kol's body until she found the dagger

"I found it. I'll leave it located in Kol's chest for you to come pick up" Angelica said before putting the silver dagger into Kol's heart

"Where is he?" Klaus asked

"The Lockwood estate. Next time I see him, I'll kill him. Well, bye-bye" Angelica said before hanging up. 30 minutes later, a car arrived outside the mansion. Angelica picked up the unconscious Bonnie and carried her outside where she saw Damon, carrying an unconscious Kai. Angelica's eyes widened

"What did you do to him?!" Angelica asked

"Relax. He's just on sedatives" Damon said, rolling his eyes. Angelica glared at him

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