Shiny Mew of the Night (Song/2021)

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Espeon evolved at night

Eevee evolved into flight

This crazy Pokemon world of mine

And Shiny Mew of the night

Eevee who cannot evolve

Pikachu who'd rather not

That crazy Pokemon world of yours

Yet still a Shiny Mew of the night

[This here is a song that I came up with in 2021 along with In The Night. It's based on my TSW version of Pokemon anime stuff, and the second... Verse-thing is about the official canon Pokemon anime, stuff that different people came up with. And all of this is inspired by when a Mew showed up in front of the moon at the end of an episode... I used to remember which one but it's been a while...

 Anyway, it looked shiny and I assumed it was shiny which either inspired or coincided my oc Shiny Mew character "Olimpeous" which became part of a group of Me-characters as the first one who isn't actually a 'nother dimensional version of me, but rather a fragment of my own mind, and my own imagination come to life with magic that after which was dubbed "Immewgination" and- ANYWAY

The Mew in that episode probably wasn't shiny, but you could say it's my headcanon that it is shiny... Just for the "funsies" as MatPat said on his website.

And one more note I'd like to add is that Ash's Pikachu (the Pikachu that this poem refers to about "Pikachu who'd rather not evolve) likely also cannot evolve, since we've never actually seen it touch a Thunder Stone before because if it did it would evolve and it would be all over for Pikachu staying a Pikachu... Unless Dialga or Celebi gets involved (or some future legendary that can de-evolve Pokemon? That would be awesome, let's hit up Gamefreak with that idea,)

Pikachu most likely was not always a Gigantamax Pikachu, but since it does Gigantamax in Journeys, I think it's safe to say that Pikachu is finally safe from Thunder Stones. I like how it's never stated in the show that Gigantamax Pokemon won't be able to evolve, most Pokemon who can Gigantamax are fully-evolved after all, but there are Gigantamax Pikachu, Eevee, and... Meowth.

It's possible that Team Rocket's Meowth is permanently a Gigantamax Meowth now and cannot evolve, and Koharu/Chloe's Eevee is not able to evolve and while we never see her Gigantamax in the show I don't think, it makes the most sense that Eevee is a Gigantamax one which is why it doesn't react and evolve when coming into contact with Evolution Stones.

The fact that it's never stated in the show leaves it more open-ended, and the characters never knowing the reason for why Eevee cannot evolve feels kind of sweet. As for Ash's Pikachu, it feels a little epic to me that... Pikachu will never know that it can't evolve into Raichu, because it'll avoid Thunder Stones. It doesn't even want to ever be a Raichu.  

 And maybe it could be poetically tragic that Meowth can't evolve, he probably wouldn't ever really want to and it would be weird for him to walk on two legs as a Persian, but if we consider a headcanon that I read once about how Meowth might evolve into a Persian if be became Giovanni's favorite Pokemon like he wanted at some point, but the fact that he can't evolve is a little like saying that Team Rocket will always try to capture Pikachu and get promoted... But never will be.

And I know I'm starting to get off-track here, but that really makes them like Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb; because as long as they do bad things, it'll always blow up in their faces. Except for them, when they do good things, it works out. And I think that Team Rocket could have a but more of a happy ending, though they'll always try to pursue Ash's Pikachu hopelessly, they at least have something good and worthwhile that they do now... Hosting their podcast.

TLDR; Ash's Pikachu can't evolve, Meowth from Team Rocket can't either, and the reason why Koharu's Eevee can't evolve is because it's a Gigantamax Eevee. But that, my friends, is just a theory. A Pokemon theory... Thanks for reading]

(Or at least thanks for checking out this Chapter because TLDR means "Too Long Didn't Read" so you maybe didn't read everything)

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